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ALL NEWS News archives

PhD Defense – Design and reliability study of crossbar circuits based on multilevel spintronic devices for Artificial Intelligence

On Thurday October 17th, at 14:00, Kamal Danouchi (SPINTEC) will defend his PhD thesis entitled : Design and reliability study of crossbar circuits based on multilevel spintronic devices for Artificial Intelligence Place : Phelma, amphi M0001 video conference : link will be given soon Abstract : The continuous evolution of the performance offered by microelectronic […]

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PhD Defense – Spin-charge interconversion in oxide-based 2D electron gases for low-energy consumption nanodevices

On Tuesday October 22th, at 14:00, Aurélie KANDAZOGLOU (SPINTEC) will defend her PhD thesis entitled : Spin-charge interconversion in oxide-based 2D electron gases for low-energy consumption nanodevices Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, CEA Building 10.05, auditorium 445 (access needs authorization, request it before October 11th to admin.spintec@cea.fr) video conference : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/3241920232 Abstract : Spinorbitronics exploits the spin-orbit […]

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seminar – Engineering quantum coherence and control in diluted spin systems

On Wednesday, November 13th 2024, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Irinel Chiorescu from Florida State University. He will give us a seminar at 11:00 entitled : Engineering quantum coherence and control in diluted spin systems Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA requires an entry authorization. Request it […]

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LATEST PUBLICATIONS Publications archives

A dipolar core-shell perpendicular shape anisotropy memory cell

We propose the concept of a core-shell composite structure coupled antiparallel via dipolar interaction, as the storage layer in perpendicular-shape-anisotropy magnetic random access memory (PSA MRAM). Benefits compared with a standard PSA MRAM include a reduced write time and the stray field. CoFeB core with a Co shell (height 8 nm; diameters 14 and 20 […]

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Synthetic antiferromagnetic skyrmions moving at record speeds

Magnetic skyrmions are magnetic nanobubbles which are envisioned as bits of informations in our computers. A team from the Spintec laboratory in Grenoble has demonstrated that they can be moved by electric current at record speeds, up to 900 m/s, in antiferromagnetic stacks. These results hold promise for the use of skyrmions to store and […]

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THz emission: a tool for studying the spintronic properties of 2D materials

By using THz spintronic emission, we could study the spin-charge conversion mechanisms in 2D materials. High crystalline quality 2D materials are grown by molecular beam epitaxy on large area and CoFeB is deposited on top using soft UHV sputtering to obtain sharp interfaces. Such model system allows us to identify and quantify the spin-charge conversion […]

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