Five of our research members are professor or associate professor:
- Jean-Philippe Attané, Associate Professor, UGA. Among others, co-director of the Physics & Musicology Double Licence, lecturing on Magnetism and Nanosciences in Master, and Direction of two Teaching Units at the Musicology Department: Musical Acoustics and Scientific Theories of Music.
- Hélène Béa, Associate Professor, UGA. Lecturing on Magnetism and Nanosciences at Master level and Point Mechanics at Licence level (Teaching Units MEC101 & MEC201),
- Liliana Buda-Prejbeanu, Professor, G-INP. Among others, Director of the International Master Nanotech (Micro and Nanotechnologies for Integrated Systems). Lecturing also for Bachelor Programming & Algorithmic, Master Magnetic nanostructures & spintronics, Functional magnetic materials, Electromagnetism for Biomedical engineering.
- Mair Chshiev, Professor, UGA. Among others, Direction of Teaching Units and lecturing Point Mechanics courses at Licence level (MEC104 & MEC204), and Doctoral School lectures on Nanomagnetism and Spintronics.
- Lorena Anghel, Professor, G-INP.
Many other staff of Spintec contribute to teaching, belonging with CEA, CNRS and also PhD students, give undergraduate and master lectures, and take care of the organization of practicals.