Alain Marty (born 1962) is a CEA Research Scientist. His research interests began with epitaxial growth and strain relaxation of metallic alloys exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. With these materials he developed a research activity on magnetic domains structure, domain wall propagation, spin-transport including FEM simulation, coherent x-ray magnetic diffraction. He is now involved in a research on 2D materials (transition metal dichalcogenides), topological insulators and semiconductors for spintronics. He coordinated the ANR project ELECMADE dealing with the electric field effects on magnetic effect on thin films. He supervised 3 post-docs and 11 PhD students. He is the coauthor of ~140 publications.
- alain.marty@cea.fr
- +33 (0)
- Building C5 – Office 577
- https://www.spintec.fr/2d-spintronics/