Isabelle DE MORAES joined SPINTEC in 2021 with the mission of developing and managing a platform dedicated to the synthesis of new two-dimensional (2D) materials by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in ultra-high vacuum reactors. She has established expertise in nanofabrication and characterization of magnetic materials, including thin film deposition (sputtering, MBE), cleanroom techniques, and scientific instrumentation. Prior to starting at SPINTEC, Isabelle worked in the Brazilian Oil industry (Petrobras). She received her PhD degree in 2020 from the Institut Néel/Université Grenoble Alpes (Nanofabrication of hard-soft magnetic nanocomposites) and was a postdoctoral fellow at Institut Jean Lamour/Université de Lorraine performing epitaxial growth of antiferromagnetic films.
- isabelle.gomesdemoraes@cea.fr
- Building 10.05– Office 306
- https://www.spintec.fr/materials-deposition/