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Seminar – Non-Relativistic Spin Currents and Torques in Antiferromagnets

On Thursday September 5, 2024 at 14:30 we have the pleasure to welcome Jakub Železný from Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague). He will give us a seminar entitled:

Non-Relativistic Spin Currents and Torques in Antiferromagnets

Place: IRIG/SPINTEC, CEA Building 10.05, auditorium 445 (access needs authorization request it before August 20th to

Video conference:
Meeting ID: 987 6986 7024 Passcode: 025918

Abstract: Contrary to the early understanding of antiferromagnets as limited compared to ferromagnets, a rich landscape of phenomena in antiferromagnets has been demonstrated that could be utilized for various spintronics functionalities. Here, we discuss recent advances in understanding of how electrical current can induce spin currents or spin torques in antiferromagnetic systems, focusing primarily on non-collinear antiferromagnets and on phenomena that originate from the non-collinear order without requiring the relativistic spin-orbit coupling. We show that antiferromagnets can host spin-polarized currents and that these can be utilized for magnetic junctions, that antiferromagnets can be used for spin-charge conversion, potentially even without any spin loss, and that a non-relativistic current-induced torque analogous to the spin-orbit torque can exist in antiferromagnets.

Biography: Dr. Jakub Železný is a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences working on ab-initio spintronics in the Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics. He is mostly interested in magnetic materials with non-trivial magnetic orders such as antiferromagnets or non-collinear magnetic materials and their use for spintronics.

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