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Seminar by Andy THOMAS – In-situ transport investigations in a (Lorentz-)TEM

On Wednesday June 19th 2024, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Andy THOMAS of IFW Dresden.
He will give us a seminar at 11:00 am entitled : In-situ transport investigations in a (Lorentz-)TEM

Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA requires an entry authorization. Request it before June 09th at

Video conference :

Abstract: Spintronics links magnetic phenomena to transport properties. Recent studies found correlations between magnetic textures, like scalar spin chirality, and transport observations like the topological Hall effect. However, sample geometry affects texture stability, making it hard to correlate magneto-transport and TEM data. To overcome this, a platform was developed for simultaneous magneto-transport measurements and Lorentz-TEM investigations. This setup was tested on Nickel thin films and the Heusler compound Mn1.4PtSn, demonstrating its functionality and revealing interesting magnetic textures like anti-skyrmions and their links to the topological Hall effect.

Biography: Andy Thomas earned his PhD in physics from Bielefeld. After completing his doctorate, he spent two years as a PostDoc at MIT before returning to Bielefeld as a junior group leader. In 2015, he moved to the IFW Dresden, where he serves as the leader of the ‘Spintronic Transport and Devices’ group and was the acting head of the solid state professorship at TU Dresden from 2020 to 2023.

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