Scientific highlights illustrated by key publications
- Temperature stability of (Pt/Co)(3)/IrMn multilayers (January 01st, 2012)
Temperature stability of (Pt/Co)(3)/IrMn multilayers, Lechevallier, L., Zarefy, A., Letellier, F., Lardé, R., Blavette, D., Le Breton, J.-M., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 043904 (2012) - Non-equilibrium coherent potential approximation for electron transport (January 01st, 2012)
Non-equilibrium coherent potential approximation for electron transport, Kalitsov, A.V., Chshiev, M., Velev, J.P., Physical Review B, 85 (2012) - Electrical and thermal spin accumulation in germanium (January 01st, 2012)
Electrical and thermal spin accumulation in germanium, Jain, A., Vergnaud, C., Peiro, J., Le Breton, J.-C., Prestat, E., Louahadj, L., Portemont, C., Ducruet, C., Baltz, V., Marty, A., Barski, A., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Vila, L., Attané, ... - Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the germanium conduction band (January 01st, 2012)
Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection in the germanium conduction band, Jain, A., Rojas Sanchez, J.C., Cubukcu, M., Peiro, J., Le Breton, J.-C., Prestat, E., Vergnaud, C., Louahadj, L., Portemont, C., ... - Penetration depth of transverse spin current in ultrathin ferromagnets (January 01st, 2012)
Penetration depth of transverse spin current in ultrathin ferromagnets, Ghosh, A., Auffret, S., Ebels, U., Bailey, W.E., Physical Review Letters, 109, 127202 (2012) - Heating asymmetry induced by tunneling current flow in magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2012)
Heating asymmetry induced by tunneling current flow in magnetic tunnel junctions, Gapihan, E., J. Alvarez-Hérault, R.C. Sousa, Y. Dahmane, B. Dieny, L. Vila, I.L. Prejbeanu, C. Ducruet, C. Portemont, K. Mackay and J.-P. Nozières, Applied ... - Magnetostatics of synthetic ferrimagnet elements (January 01st, 2012)
Magnetostatics of synthetic ferrimagnet elements, Fruchart, O. and B. Dieny, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324, 365 (2012) - Air-protected epitaxial graphene/ferromagnet hybrids prepared by chemical vapor deposition and intercalation (January 01st, 2012)
Air-protected epitaxial graphene/ferromagnet hybrids prepared by chemical vapor deposition and intercalation, Coraux, J., N’Diaye, A.T., Rougemaille, N., Vo-Van, C., Kimouche, A., Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Bendiab, N., Fruchart, O., Schmid, A.K., Journal of Physical Chemistry ... - Diffusive model of current-in-plane-tunneling in double magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2012)
Diffusive model of current-in-plane-tunneling in double magnetic tunnel junctions, Clément, P.-Y., Ducruet, C., Baraduc, C., Chshiev, M., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 262404 (2012) - Current induced domain wall dynamics in the presence of a transverse magnetic field in out-of-plane magnetized materials (January 01st, 2012)
Current induced domain wall dynamics in the presence of a transverse magnetic field in out-of-plane magnetized materials, Boulle, O., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 053901 (2012) - Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy through reduction of Co-Pt interdiffusion in (Co/Pt) multilayers (January 01st, 2012)
Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy through reduction of Co-Pt interdiffusion in (Co/Pt) multilayers, Bandiera, S., Sousa, R.C., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 142410 (2012) - Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy thanks to Pt insertions in synthetic antiferromagnets (January 01st, 2012)
Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy thanks to Pt insertions in synthetic antiferromagnets, Bandiera, S., Sousa, R.C., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 101, 072410 (2012) - Pd magnetism induced by indirect interlayer exchange coupling (January 01st, 2012)
Pd magnetism induced by indirect interlayer exchange coupling, Bailey, W. E., Ghosh, A., Auffret, S., Gautier, E., Ebels, U., Wilhelm, F., Rogalev, A., Physical Review B, 86, 144403 (2012) - Magnetization switching of a MgO/Co/Pt layer by in-plane current injection (January 01st, 2012)
Magnetization switching of a MgO/Co/Pt layer by in-plane current injection, Avci, C.O., Garello, K., Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Auffret, S., Boulle, O., Gambardella, P., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 212404 (2012) - Modelling of time-dependent dielectric barrier breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2012)
Modelling of time-dependent dielectric barrier breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions, Amara-Dababi, S., Béa, H., Sousa, R.C., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 45, 295002 (2012)