Scientific highlights illustrated by key publications
- Breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions and correlation with low frequency noise (January 01st, 2014)
Breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions and correlation with low frequency noise, Amara-Dababi, S., Sousa, R.C., Béa, H., Baraduc, C., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., , 6A.1.1 (2014) - Mixing antiferromagnets to tune NiFe-[IrMn/FeMn] interfacial spin-glasses, grains thermal stability, and related exchange bias properties (January 01st, 2014)
Mixing antiferromagnets to tune NiFe- interfacial spin-glasses, grains thermal stability, and related exchange bias properties, Akmaldinov, K., Ducruet, C., Portemont, C., Joumard, I., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Baltz, V., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17B718 ... - Optimisation de l’épaisseur des électrodes magnétiques pour des jonctions tunnel à anisotropie perpendiculaire (January 01st, 2014)
Optimisation de l’épaisseur des électrodes magnétiques pour des jonctions tunnel à anisotropie perpendiculaire, Sousa, R.C. (2014) - Détruire des cellules cancéreuses grâce au magnétisme (January 01st, 2014)
Détruire des cellules cancéreuses grâce au magnétisme, Leulmi, S., 29, (2014) - Le couplage spin-orbite, du sang neuf pour les mémoires MRAM (January 01st, 2014)
Le couplage spin-orbite, du sang neuf pour les mémoires MRAM, Gaudin, G., 30, (2014) - Les MRAM se dévoilent à MINATEC cet été (January 01st, 2014)
Les MRAM se dévoilent à MINATEC cet été, Dieny, B., 29, (2014) - Un livre auquel Spintec a contribué a reçu un prix de la Société de Magnétisme du Japon (January 01st, 2014)
Un livre auquel Spintec a contribué a reçu un prix de la Société de Magnétisme du Japon, Baraduc, C. (2014) - En spintronique, les matériaux antiferromagnétiques sont acteurs à part entière (January 01st, 2014)
En spintronique, les matériaux antiferromagnétiques sont acteurs à part entière, Baltz, V. (2014) - Spintronique: les barrières de diffusion facilitent la coopération (January 01st, 2014)
Spintronique: les barrières de diffusion facilitent la coopération, Baltz, V., 28, (2014) - IrMn microstructural effects on exchange bias variability in patterned arrays of IrMn/Co square dots (January 01st, 2014)
IrMn microstructural effects on exchange bias variability in patterned arrays of IrMn/Co square dots, Vinai, G., Moritz, J., Gaudin, G., Vogel, J., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47, 195302 (2014) - Large exchange bias enhancement in (Pt(or Pd)/Co)/IrMn/Co trilayers with ultrathin IrMn thanks to interfacial Cu dusting (January 01st, 2014)
Large exchange bias enhancement in (Pt(or Pd)/Co)/IrMn/Co trilayers with ultrathin IrMn thanks to interfacial Cu dusting, Vinai, G., Moritz, J., Bandiera, S., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 104, 162401 (2014) - Size dependence of magnetic switching in perpendicularly magnetized MgO/Co/Pt pillars close to the spin reorientation transition (January 01st, 2014)
Size dependence of magnetic switching in perpendicularly magnetized MgO/Co/Pt pillars close to the spin reorientation transition, Stefanowicz, W., Nistor, L.E., Vogel, J., Kuch, W., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Gaudin, G., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Pizzini, S., Applied ... - The 2014 magnetism roadmap (January 01st, 2014)
The 2014 magnetism roadmap, Stamps, R.L., Breitkreutz, S., Akerman, J., Chumak, A.V., Otani, Y., Bauer, G.E.W., Thiele, J.-U., Bowen, M., Majetich, S.A., Klaui, M., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Dempsey, N.M., Hillebrands, B., Journal of Physics ... - Self-referenced multi-bit thermally-assisted magnetic random access memories (January 01st, 2014)
Self-referenced multi-bit thermally-assisted magnetic random access memories, Stainer, Q., Lombard, L., Mackay, K., Lee, D., Bandiera, S., Portemont, C., Creuzet, C., Sousa, R.C., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 105, 032405 (2014) - Modulation bandwidth of spin torque oscillators under current modulation (January 01st, 2014)
Modulation bandwidth of spin torque oscillators under current modulation, Quinsat, M., Garcia-Sanchez, F., Jenkins, A.S., Tiberkevich, V.S., Slavin, A.N., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Zeltser, A., Katine, J.A., Dieny, B., Cyrille, M.-C., Ebels, U., Applied Physics Letters, 105, ...