
Microwave oscillations of the magnetization around its equilibrium are the natural dynamical response to external perturbations (e.g. thermal fluctuations, microwave fields). This offers the promise for a new class of microwave devices, benefiting from their small foot-print, their ability to be controlled electrically, and their integrability with CMOS technology. Identified devices include local oscillators, microwave filters, detectors, and non-reciprocal devices. Understanding the dynamics of these nano-objects, applying general concepts of microwave oscillator techniques and defining from this novel microwave applications is the major aim of this activity.

Research directions


Magnons are the quasi-particles associated to the collective excitations of spins. Mode engineering and transfer of angular momentum by magnonics current are some of our key ongoing research activities.

The team

Former members




  • Nicolas Thiery
  • Alumni : Kyota Watanabe (GP-Spin program)


  • W.E. Bailey – Columbia University (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), A. N. Slavin – Oakland University (2012, 2013), V. Naletov (2016)




  • Service de l’état condensé-CEA (Saclay)
  • Univ. Munster (Germany)
  • University of Münster (Germany)

Recent news

  • Seminar : Spintronics with Ferroelectrics (June 21st, 2017)Seminar : Spintronics with Ferroelectrics
    On June 27 at 11h Prof. Evgeny Tsymbal from University of Nebraska will give a talk entitled “Spintronics with Ferroelectrics” Place : l’amphithéâtre Laurent Puech (2-D-004) in GreEN-ER building “Spintronics with Ferroelectrics” Ferroelectric materials are characterized ...
  • Master students to visit SPINTEC and discuss our topics for internships (September 18th, 2016)
    On 25th October 2016 our host Institut INAC welcomes students for a presentation of internship topics proposed to host Master-2 students during Spring 2017. Details will be provided later.


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