
Microwave oscillations of the magnetization around its equilibrium are the natural dynamical response to external perturbations (e.g. thermal fluctuations, microwave fields). This offers the promise for a new class of microwave devices, benefiting from their small foot-print, their ability to be controlled electrically, and their integrability with CMOS technology. Identified devices include local oscillators, microwave filters, detectors, and non-reciprocal devices. Understanding the dynamics of these nano-objects, applying general concepts of microwave oscillator techniques and defining from this novel microwave applications is the major aim of this activity.

Research directions


Magnons are the quasi-particles associated to the collective excitations of spins. Mode engineering and transfer of angular momentum by magnonics current are some of our key ongoing research activities.

The team

Former members




  • Nicolas Thiery
  • Alumni : Kyota Watanabe (GP-Spin program)


  • W.E. Bailey – Columbia University (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), A. N. Slavin – Oakland University (2012, 2013), V. Naletov (2016)




  • Service de l’état condensé-CEA (Saclay)
  • Univ. Munster (Germany)
  • University of Münster (Germany)

Recent news

  • Seminar – Discovery of quantum confinement effect in sputtered topological insulator films and observation of room-temperature high spin-orbit torque (September 04th, 2019)Seminar - Discovery of quantum confinement effect in sputtered topological insulator films and observation of room-temperature high spin-orbit torque
    On Thursday September 26 we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Jian-Ping WANG (University of Minnesota, MN, USA). He will give us a seminar at in CNRS Building A at 10am in the framework of ...
  • IFW – SPINTEC collaborative workshop (October 14th, 2018)IFW - SPINTEC collaborative workshop
    SPINTEC laboratory and IFW-Dresden have agreed to strengthen their ties through an international collaborative agreement. This takes the so-called form of an International Associated Lab (LIA), supported by both CNRS and the Leibniz Society. Although ...
  • Masters thesis projects for Spring 2019 (October 10th, 2018)Masters thesis projects for Spring 2019
    You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2019. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are ...
  • MAESTRO – An ANR project (August 27th, 2018)MAESTRO - An ANR project
    Magnon-spintronics aspires to become a novel information technology exploiting the spin degree of freedom. The goal of MAESTRO (2018-2021) is to masterize spin-wave (SW) turbulences occurring in low loss magnetic materials, whose benefit is to ...
  • Nonlinear properties of pure spin conductors (June 21st, 2018)Nonlinear properties of pure spin conductors
    N. Thiery, A. Draveny, V. V. Naletov, L. Vila, J. P. Attané, C. Beigné, G. de Loubens, M. Viret, N. Beaulieu, J. Ben Youssef, V. E. Demidov, S. O. Demokritov, A. N. Slavin, V. S. ...


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