
The activity “Magnetic biotechnologies” benefits from the know-how of the laboratory in magnetic materials, nanomagnetism, spin-electronics and nanofabrication. Our efforts are mainly focused towards the fabrication of engineered magnetic micro- nano-particles or devices, designed to apply forces on biological species. Their biomedical applications such as cancer cells destruction or stimulation of insulin production are investigated in collaboration with biology labs.

Research directions

Magnetic microdisks for cancer treatment

Magnetic microdisks for the destruction of targeted cancer cells induced by their low frequency mechanical vibrations (20 Hz) under alternating external magnetic field. (C.Naud et al, NANOSCALE ADVANCES, 2, 3632 (2020))

Arrays of flexible magnetic cantilevers

Arrays of flexible magnetic cantilevers used as micropumps, microswimmers or for magnetic field mapping thanks to their optical properties (A.Truong et al, Scientific reports 6 (2016) 31634)

The team

Former members


  • Caroline THÉBAULT(2018-2020)
  • Svetlana PONOMAREVA (2017-2019)
  • Alain TRUONG (2015-2017)


  • Cécile NAUD (2015-2018)


  • Projet IRGA MAGCELL 2021-2024 
  • ABIOMATER, H2020 FET Open, 2015-2018
  • APOTRIG, Agir PEPS Univ. Grenoble Alpes, 2015-2016
  • Nano-Shark, ANR P2N, 2011-2016
  • Cible2012, Rhône-Alpes land, 2012-2015



  • Biomedial research center
    • BrainTech Lab   INSERM/UGA (targeted cancer cells and tumor destruction, in vitro & in vivo): François Berger (Neuro-oncologist, tumor nano-medicine), Matthieu Dreyfus.
  • Biology Laboratories
    • IRIG/SYMMES/LAN (toxicity, cancer cells, in vitro biological applications) Marie Carrière
    • IRIG/SYMMES/CREAB (surface biochemical functionalization) Yanxia Hou-Broutin
  • Microelectronics technology
    • LTM (Force microscopy on cells) Alice Nicolas

Recent news

  • Nanotweezers and their remote actuation by magnetic fields (May 23rd, 2017)Nanotweezers and their remote actuation by magnetic fields
    We have developed arrays of innovative magnetic nanotweezers or “nanojaws” on silicon wafers, by a top-down approach using the fabrication techniques of microelectronics. The mechanical manipulation of micro- and nanometric objects relies on constantly evolving techniques, ...
  • Magneto-optical micromechanical systems for magnetic field mapping (February 17th, 2017)
    Magnetic field mapping techniques have continuously been developed due to the necessity for determining the spatial components of local magnetic fields in many industrial applications and fundamental research. Several factors are considered for sensors such ...
  • 18 months post-doctoral position: Magnetically actuated metamaterials for biotechnology applications (January 30th, 2017)
    The SPINTEC and SyMMES laboratories of INAC (CEA-Grenoble), offer an 18 months post-doctoral position on the development of magnetically actuated metamaterials prototypes for biotechnology applications. This work is part of the ABIOMATER European FET project, ...
  • Nanoviber – An ERA-NET project at SPINTEC (November 26th, 2016)Nanoviber - An ERA-NET project at SPINTEC
    Overview NANOVIBER (EURONANOMED-II ERA-NET project) was accepted at the Fall 2016. Context: Despite the progress of chemo-radiotherapy, molecular and cellular therapies as well as neurosurgery, glioblastoma remains a deadliness disease. Beside drugs, radiotherapy and surgery, “physical” therapies are ...
  • Master students to visit SPINTEC and discuss our topics for internships (September 18th, 2016)
    On 25th October 2016 our host Institut INAC welcomes students for a presentation of internship topics proposed to host Master-2 students during Spring 2017. Details will be provided later.


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