SPINTEC is a research laboratory hosting staff belonging with national Institutes CEA and CNRS, and local Universities Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble Institute of Technology. The process for opening positions and applying varies depending on the Institute:

  • CEA: in general, positions are open for integration in a well-defined laboratory, in our case SPINTEC. In case of opening, the position will be advertised below, along with the procedure to follow.
  • CNRS
    • Research positions are open at the national level, with no pre-allocation to the labs; it is an open competition between all candidates. Openings are advertized in the Fall (typically Oct-Nov), and deadline for application is generally set to the first days of January. General information about this process and careers can be found here. Please inquire in advance if you are interested to apply.
    • Technicians and Engineers positions are be advertised below when some are open, along with the procedure to follow. General information about this process and carrers can be found here.
  • Universities: positions and open yearly. Positions may target a given laboratory, a topic over a range of laboratories, or be open. Openings for associate professorships and professorships are separate. The opening and competition usually take place during the Spring.

Recent news

  • [Filled] Research Scientist position on spintronic neuromorphic computing [June 11th, 2020][Filled] Research Scientist position on  spintronic neuromorphic computing
    Spintec Positioned at the crossroad of science and technology, SPINTEC (SPINtronique et TEchnologie des Composants, https://www.spintec.fr) is one of the leading spintronics research laboratories worldwide. SPINTEC was created in 2002 and rapidly expanded to currently reach ...
  • Aurélien Masseboeuf joins SPINTEC [September 13th, 2019]Aurélien Masseboeuf joins SPINTEC
    Aurélien Masseboeuf is a recognized expert in transmission electron microscopy techniques applied to magnetic microscopy. Following a PhD and post-doc period in Grenoble, he further developed his expertise and carrier during ten years as CNRS ...
  • [Filled] Senior research scientist in spintronic devices [May 02nd, 2019][Filled] Senior research scientist in spintronic devices
    In view of a forthcoming opening of a CEA researcher position at SPINTEC, in order to reinforce the spintronic devices group (memories, sensors, RF oscillators, magnetic logic) of the lab, we are seeking a high-level ...
  • [Filled] Research engineer tenure track open position (filled) [July 28th, 2016]
    SPINTEC has developed over the last decade many tools for integrating spintronic devices into standard CMOS microelectronics : design tools have been developed and elementary proofs of concept circuits have been built and tested. The integration ...

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