SPINTEC welcomes and hosts a large number of post-doctoral early-carrier researchers. Below you will find positions for which funding is provided. Please fell free to contact us if you wish to discuss a common projects to apply to grants, for example at the European level with MSCA fellowships, in in other frameworks.

Latest positions posted

  • [POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral position – Experimental antiferromagnetic spintronics [May 25th, 2021][POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral position - Experimental antiferromagnetic spintronics
    Subject and context: The candidate will work in the frame of the MATHEEIAS project. MATTHEIAS stands for MAgneto-THermo-Electric Effects In Antiferromagnetic Spintronics. It is a collaborative international project co-funded by the French ANR and the German ...
  • 24 months postdoc position – 2D ferromagnets [January 26th, 2021]24 months postdoc position - 2D ferromagnets
    In the frame of the French national ANR project ELMAX, Spintec laboratory is opening a postdoctoral researcher position. The candidate will work on the magnetism of FeGeTe 2D ferromagnets grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The ...
  • Post-doctoral position – Spintronic Spiking Neurons [December 07th, 2020]Post-doctoral position – Spintronic Spiking Neurons
    In the frame of the French national ANR project SpinSpike, Spintec laboratory is opening a postdoctoral researcher position. The candidate will work in collaboration with UMPhy CNRS-Thales and Thales TRT. The objective is the realization ...
  • Post-doctoral position – Electrical control of magnetic skyrmions [September 29th, 2020]Post-doctoral position - Electrical control of magnetic skyrmions
    Spintec invites application for postdoctoral positions in spintronics on electrical control of magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are nontrivial spiral spin textures considered as potential building blocks for ultrafast and power efficient spintronic memory and logic devices. ...
  • Post-doctoral position – Current induced dynamics of the magnetic skyrmions [March 26th, 2020]Post-doctoral position - Current induced dynamics of the magnetic skyrmions
    Spintec invites application for postdoctoral positions in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are nm scale topological spin texture that hold great promise for storing and manipulating the information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently ...

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