SPINTEC laboratory contributes to cutting-edge research in Spintronics. The first mission is to produce new fundamental knowledge and innovation. The second mission is to contribute to the higher education of young scientists in the field, through temporary involvement in our projects. Expertise and human involvement is key in these activities, and as such there are many opportunities to join and work with us:
- Research, engineer or technical tenured positions at CEA, CNRS and local universities
- Post-doctoral positions
- PhD positions
- Student internships
Open positions
- Post-Doctoral or Clean Room Engineer Position [October 23rd, 2018]
In the frame of the French national ANR project “SPINNET”, SPINTEC is offering an 18 month postdoctoral or clean room engineer position for the nanofabrication of arrays of vortex based spin torque oscillator devices. The ... - Masters thesis projects for Spring 2019 [October 10th, 2018]
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2019. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are ... - [POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral position – Finite element modeling for spintronics [May 28th, 2018]
SPINTEC offers a theoretical post-doctoral position in finite element modeling for Spintronics. The objective of our project is to combine key ingredients for modern Spintronics and SpinOrbitronics modeling within the original finite element based multi-physics ... - [POSITION FILLED] Post-doctoral position in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions [April 11th, 2018]
The recent discovery of nanometer-size whirling magnetic structures named magnetic skyrmions has opened a new path to manipulate magnetization at the nanoscale . Magnetic skyrmions are characterized by a chiral and topologically non-trivial spin structure, i.e ... - [POSITION FILLED] 24 months post-doctoral position : “Magnetically actuated nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy” [October 24th, 2017]
The SPINTEC and SyMMES labs offer a 24 months post-doctoral position, starting in early 2018, on the design of magnetically actuated nanoparticles (NPs) for targeted cancer therapy. This work is part of the Nanoviber EuroNanomed2 ...