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MATHEEIAS – An ANR-DFG bilateral project

MATHEEIAS stands for MAgneto-THermo-Electric Effects In Antiferromagnetic Spintronics. It is a 48 months collaborative international project co-funded by the French ANR and the German DFG. The project relies on the following consortium: SPINTEC Grenoble, CINAM Marseille, TUD Dresden / Uni. Konstanz, and JGU Mainz, in close collaboration with FZU & Charles Uni. Prague.

The aim of the project is to identify and exploit novel mechanisms in an emerging branch of spintronics based on transport phenomena governed by intrinsic crystal and magnetic symmetries and its interplay with the antiferromagnetic order, such as the newly demonstrated macroscopic time reversal symmetry breaking arising from the antiferromagnetic Zeeman effect – arXiv:2012.15651.

The project will focus on the origins of the Hall effect and its thermal and optical counterparts (Nernst and Kerr effects) arising from time-reversal symmetry (T) breaking, as this could prove essential for the development of robust large effects, vital for new device concepts.

Local contact at SPINTEC: Baltz Vincent


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