INTERMAG is the annual conference of the IEEE Magnetics Society. It typically gathers between 1500 and 1700 attendees. This is the main conference on applied magnetism in the world. It follows a 4 years cycle and comes back to Europe every 4 years. The latest edition was in Dublin in April 2017. SPINTEC put together a bid to host INTERMAG 2021 in Lyon at the International Convention Centre. This bid was in competition against two others: one from Athens and another from Manchester. After a detailed evaluation of the 3 bids including a visit of the 3 sites, the conference executive committee (CEC) of the IEEE Magnetics Society selected the Lyon site for INTERMAG 2021. This is a great news for the French Magnetism community. The general chair will be Bernard Dieny with help from Vincent Baltz, both from SPINTEC. INTERMAG is a very interesting conference where about 1700 oral and poster communications are presented. Besides, Lyon is a very beautiful city, it has a very rich history and culture and is recognized as the French capital of gastronomy. We will do our best to make of INTERMAG 2021 an exceptional conference.
The Lyon Cité Internationale with the Convention Centre