We have the pleasure to welcome Kevin Garello from Imec, Belgium. He will give us a seminar at CEA/IRIG, Bat 1005, room 445 entitled : SOT-MRAM: from fundamentals to large scale technology integration Microelectronics industry is facing major challenges related to the volatility of CMOS cache memory elements (usually SRAM and eDRAM). Due to decreasing […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Leon Abelmann from KIST Europe, Saarbrücken, Germany. He will give us a seminar at CEA/IRIG, Bat 1005, room 445 entitled : Seminar – Suspensions of micro-fabricated sub-micron magnetic discs – Crossing a river to get water? At Spintec you pioneered the production and application of microfabricated magnetic discs for […]

Alexandre MOUILLON from SPINTEC will defend his PHD entitled : Spin-orbit torques in an ultra-thin ferromagnetic metal layer between two oxides: quantum confinement and Rashba effect Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in advance) [read more […]

Mathieu FABRE from SPINTEC will defend his PHD entitled : Manipulation et détection d’ondes de spin via l’interaction spin-orbite dans des guides d’ondes ultraminces Ta/CoFeB/MgO à anisotropie perpendiculaire Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in advance […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Yoshishige SUZUKI from Osaka University. He will give us a seminar at CEA/IRIG, Bat 1005, room 445 entitled : Brownian computing using skyrmions We are trying to make essential devices to do Brownian computing using skyrmions. Brownian computing is a method to perform calculation with ultra-low energy consumption.Up […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Cécile Grezes, Electrical Engineering department, UCLA, Los Angeles. She will give us a seminar entitled : Magnetic tunnel junctions using voltage control of the magnetic anisotropy for electric-field-controlled MRAM Building on the advances of magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) based on spin transfer torque (STT) [1], a number of […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Jian-Ping WANG (University of Minnesota, MN, USA). He will give us a seminar entitled : Discovery of quantum confinement effect in sputtered topological insulator films and observation of room-temperature high spin-orbit torque In this talk, I will start with my perspectives on the spintronic materials and devices… [read […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Julie Grollier from Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales. She will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC, Bat 1005, room 434Aentitled : Dynamics and oscillations in spintronic neural nets The brain displays many features typical of non-linear dynamical networks, such as synchronization or complex transient behaviour. These observations have inspired […]

We will have a pleasure to welcome we have the pleasure to welcome Maik Wagner-Reetz from Fraunhofer IPMS, Dresden. He will give us a seminar entitled : CMOS-compatible materials and processes for spintronic applications in 300mm R&D Spin-based implementations like e.g. Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) or Racetrack Memory (RTM) are possible approaches to overcome […]