On October 23 at 11am at SPINTEC room 434A, Guillaume Salagnac (left) and Tanguy Risset (right) from INRIA Lyon will kindly present the work of their team during a seminar entitled: “NV-RAM and harvesting technologies for next generation sensors: a system and software perspective” The Socrate Inria Team (https://team.inria.fr/socrate/) has launched a new research activity […]

Paulo COELHO defends his PhD on Tuesday 30th October, 2pm, at the CNRS conference room (25 rue des Martyrs). An access request is required before hand, is you wish to attend. This thesis is a study of spin transfer torque in double barrier magnetic tunnel junction for STT-MRAM applications. In these double barrier junctions, spin […]

SPINTEC laboratory and IFW-Dresden have agreed to strengthen their ties through an international collaborative agreement. This takes the so-called form of an International Associated Lab (LIA), supported by both CNRS and the Leibniz Society. Although the formal agreement enters into force on January 1st 2019 only, our two laboratories are already engaged actively in collaborative […]

On november 28, We have the pleasure to welcome Bertrand Dupé from INSPIRE Group, Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. He will give us a seminar at 11:00, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : Topological spintronics Surfaces and interfaces can host a wide range of physical phenomena: changes of chemical potential or […]

On december 05, We have the pleasure to welcome professor Lionel TORRES from Polytech Montpellier, Université de Montpellier. He comes at Grenoble for the PHD defense of Luc TILLIE at 14H. He kindly takes this opportunity to give us a seminar at 10:15, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : “Normally-off“ Computing for Smart Systems […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Myriam Pannetier-Lecoeur senior scientist at Service de l’Etat Condensé at CEA Saclay. She comes at Grenoble for the PHD defense of Luc TILLIE at 14H. She kindly takes this opportunity to give us a seminar at 11:15, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : Spin electronics for biological signal […]

On December 13, we have the pleasure to welcome professor Andrei Kirilyuk from FELIX Laboratory, Radboud University, The Netherlands. He will give us a seminar at 11:00, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : The multitude of mechanisms for all-optical switching of magnetization The incessant increase in the amount of digital data boosts the demand […]

On December 18, we have the pleasure to welcome Thibaut Devolder from C2N-CNRS at Orsay, France. He will give us a seminar at 14:00, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : An experimentalist view of the Gilbert damping in FeCoB/MgO systems CoFeB/MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions are of central importance for the memory applications of […]

Mercredi 09 Janvier 2019 à 13h30, Amphithéâtre du CNRS (Bat Administratif – Tour A) Laurent Vila CEA/SPINTEC-Univ. Grenoble Alpes soutiendra son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), intitulée : Courants de spin et couplage spin orbite L’influence du couplage spin-orbite sur les propriétés de transport a récemment ressuscité un fort intérêt. Ce couplage entre l’état […]