On Thursday, the 07th Of December 2017 at 14h00, Chloé BOUARD from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Elaboration and characterization of magnetic systems for skyrmion observations” Place : Amphitheater from CNRS building A-3rd floor – 25 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble New technology needs huge storage capacity together with high speed and low-cost transport […]

On december 11, we have the pleasure to welcome in Spintec Jean-Eric Wegrowe from Ecole Polytechnique. At 11h, he will give a seminar on “Spin-Hall stationarity conditions in the light of the second law of thermodynamics”</strong> in room 434A. The determination of the stationary states for the bulk spin-Hall effect [1,2] are discussed in the […]

On Thursday, the 08th Of February 2018 at 13h30, Jérôme HEM from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Synchronization mechanisms of spin transfer oscillators” Place : GreEn-ER area, Amphitheater 2B010 – 21 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble The spin-transfer torque oscillator is a nano-sized system which could be part of the next generation of […]

On February, 09, we have the pleasure to welcome Nicolas BRUYANT, from Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (Toulouse) in Spintec. At 14H00, he will give a seminar in room 434 A. After a presentation of the interest and challenges of physics in high magnetic field (i.e. > 50T), I will present the technical side […]

On February, 13, we have the pleasure to welcome Aurore FINCO, from university of Hamburg in Spintec. At 13H30, she will give a seminar in room 434 A. Various ways to tune non-collinear magnetism in ultrathin films In order to develop spintronic devices, a precise control of the magnetic state in ultrathin films is necessary. […]

On March, 27, we have the pleasure to welcome Daniil KARNAUSHENKO, from Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden)Dresden, Germany in Spintec. At 11H00, he will give a seminar in room 434 A. Shapeable microelectronics Shape is a noticeable quantity in nature, which does not persist. Role of […]

On Thursday, the 29th Of March 2018 at 14h00, Jyotirmoy CHATTERJEE from LTM & DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Engineering of magnetic tunnel junction stacks for improved STT-MRAM performance and development of novel and cost-effective nano-patterning techniques” Place : Grenoble INP-PHELMA, Amphitheater M001 – MINATEC Area, Parvis Louis Néel, 38000 Grenoble Technology-demand for […]

On March 30, we have the pleasure to welcome Ferial TERKI and Quang-Hung TRAN from Institut Charles Gerhardt Univ. Montpellier. They will give us a seminar which will take place at SPINTEC room 434A at 11:00. “Recent achievements for ultrasensitive gas sensing and bio-physical detection” Promising generation of room temperature micro/nano-sensor «sensor 3.0» based on […]

A lab presentation and visit is organized on Thursday 18th October, 14:00 – 17:00. The event is addressed to those interested in master thesis projects at SPINTEC. Practical information is available in this flyer. You find on the dedicated page the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2019. In most […]