On Friday, the 06th Of October 2017 at 13h30, Liliana BUDA-PREJBEANU from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend her HDR (has the Ability to Supervise Research) entitled “Modelling of spintronic devices: from basic operation mechanisms toward optimization” Place : Amphithéâtre Z108 de Phelma MINATEC, 3 Parvis Louis Néel – 38000 GRENOBLE Nowadays the spintronic related phenomena are widely […]

The topic for the 2017 European School on Magnetism will be Condensed Matter Magnetism : bulk meets nano, part of the Series of the European School on Magnetism. The School will take place from Oct 9th to Oct 20th 2017 in Cargèse, Corsica, France. The School in organized by members of the Grenoble community of Magnetism, in part from SPINTEC lab.

On Thursday, the 26th Of October 2017 at 14h00, Marine SCHOTT from UGA/Neel Institute, will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Electric field control of magnetic properties of Pt/Co/AlOx system” Place : Amphithéâtre du CNRS / building A – 3rd floor – 25 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble During my PhD, we chose to study the particular […]

On Tuesday, the 14th Of November 2017 at 13h30, Lamprini FRANGOU from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend her PhD thesis entitled “Spin injection, transmission and detection in antiferromagnets” Place : Minatec, 3 parvis Louis Néel Grenoble, amphitheater Palladium 2 Antiferromagnetic spintronics is an emerging research field in the area of information technology that exploits the unique combination […]

On Wednesday, the 15th Of November 2017 at 10h00, Gilles ZAHND from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Spin accumulation effects and magnetoresistance effects in lateral nanostructures” Place : <strong>Amphitheater from CNRS building A-3rd floor – 25 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble Spintronics is mainly based on the phenomenon of spin accumulation, which is inherent […]

On November, 20, we have the pleasure to welcome Romain Lebrun from University Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany. At 11H, room 434 A, he will present give a talk on “Mutual synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through a long-range and tunable electrical coupling scheme”. The concept of spin-torque-driven high-frequency magnetization dynamics, allows the potential construction of […]

On November, 22, we will have the pleasure to welcome Frédéric BONNEL from Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Spintec. At 11H, we will give a seminar on “Recent progress in experimental graphene and topological spintronics” The recent emergence of 2-dimensional materials and topological matter has opened new prospects for spintronics technologies [1]. […]

On December 4,  we have the pleasure to welcome Marwan Deb from Université de Lorraine, France. At 11H, he will give a seminar on “Ultrafast Magnetization Manipulation in Multisublattice Magnets” in room 434A. Femtomagnetism is a relatively new and rapidly growing area of research that focuses on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics driven by fs laser […]

On December 4,  we have the pleasure to welcome Marwan Deb from Université de Lorraine, France. At 11H, he will give a seminar on “Ultrafast Magnetization Manipulation in Multisublattice Magnets” in room 434A. Femtomagnetism is a relatively new and rapidly growing area of research that focuses on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics driven by fs laser […]