On Wednesday March 13th 2024, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Tristan da Câmara presently at Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve. He will give us a seminar on his work done in Lab. Albert Fert, Univ. Paris-Saclay at 11:00 entitled : Neuromorphic weighted sum with magnetic skyrmions Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Prof. José Luis PRIETO MARTIN from Institute for Optoelectronic Systems and Microtechnology (ISOM)-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He will give us a seminar at 14:00 entitled : Free electrons travelling in a uniformly rotating magnetic field Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 more information (video conference, […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Matthias OPEL from Walther-Meissner-Institute, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Garching, Germany. He will give us a seminar at 11:00 entitled : Magnon Spin Transport in Antiferromagnetic Insulators Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 more information (video conference, abstract, etc.)

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Advait Madhavan from University of Maryland. He will give us a seminar at 14:00 entitled : Novel information encoding schemes for energy efficient cognitive computing Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA requires an entry authorization. Request it before 19th at admin.spintec@cea.fr) more […]

On Monday May 13, 2024 at 14:00 we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Stephan ROCHE (ICREA, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), CSIC, BIST). He will give us a seminar entitled: Topological Spin Transport in Quantum Materials and Entanglement Place: IRIG/SPINTEC, CEA Building 10.05, auditorium 445 (access needs authorization request it before May […]

On Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 14:00 we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Stephan ROCHE (ICREA, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), CSIC, BIST). He will give us a seminar entitled: Ten Years of 2D Materials based Spintronics Research: Highlights and Future Place: Salle G-1A002 Amphi Ampère, Bâtiment GreEn-ER, 21 Avenue des Martyrs, […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Valentin Alek Dediu from CNR-ISMN (Bologna). He will give us a seminar at 14:00 entitled : A Ferromagnetic Glass State observed in thin cobalt films hybridised with molecular layers: collapse of the standard magnetic domain structure Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Thomas Coughlin President of IEEE. He will give us a seminar at 11:00 entitled : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Advancing Technology for Humanity Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 more information (access, video conference, abstract, etc.)