we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Mathieu MUNSCH CEO and Co-founder of QNAMI. He will give us a seminar at 16:00, entitled: Measuring MRAM with Scanning NV Microscopy Place: SPINTEC Seminar, CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 (access needs authorization) more information (visio link, abstract, etc.)

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Prof. Flavio Abreu Araujo from Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences UCL Louvain, He will give us seminar at 16:00, entitled : Neuromorphic Spintronics: Doing more with less Place : SPINTEC Seminar, CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 (access needs authorization *) more information (access, visio link, abstract, […]

On Thursday, March 16 at 14:00 we have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Julien TRANCHIDA from CEA Cadarache. He will give us a seminar at 14:00, entitled: Coupled magnetic and molecular dynamics: Methodology and application to the simulation of magneto-elastic effects in iron Place : SPINTEC, CEA/IRIG, Bat. 10.05, Room 445 Zoom link (**) : https://webconf.cea.fr/ioan-lucian.prejbeanu/C89D5FFJ […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Valentin Egloff. He will give us a seminar, entitled : In-memory computing architectures based on non volatile memories Place : SPINTEC Seminar, CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 (access needs badge) more information (access, visio link, abstract, biography, etc.)

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Sebastien Petit Wattelot from Institut Jean Lamour (Lorraine Univ.). He will give us a seminar entitled : Spin currents generation and (Self)Torque in GdFeCo ferrimagnet Place : SPINTEC Seminar, CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 (access needs badge) more information (access, visio link, abstract, etc.)

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Hari Srikanth Professor at University of South Florida, He will give us a seminar entitled : Turning on the heat with spins and their transport across interfaces Place : SPINTEC Seminar, CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 (access needs authorization *) and online read more : (access, skype […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Christopher Barker from Leeds University. He will give us a seminar entitled : Synthetic Antiferromagnets and Skyrmions more information (access, visio link, abstract, biography, etc.)