Daniel SOLIS LERMA will defend his PhD thesis entitled : Proximity-induced transport phenomena in graphene-based spintronic devices Place : The defense (public) will take place by video-conference. Contact us to have the link (mair.chshiev@cea.fr) Abstract: In this thesis we present a study of transport properties of a proposed lateral graphene-based spintronic device comprising two identical […]

We have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Mathias Klaui from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. He will give us an IEEE Distinguished Lecture (*)  at auditorium 445 entitled : Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons With information technology consuming a sizeable part of the total energy, “GreenIT” information storage and computing technology […]

Romain Giraud from CEA/SPINTEC-Univ. Grenoble Alpes will defend his HDR (Ability to Supervise Research) entitled : Nanostructures of disordered 3D topological insulators Place : CEA Building 10.05 auditorium 445 read more (abstracts, contact, etc.)

Manuel dos Santos Dias from Peter Grünberg Institut and Institute for Advance Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany will give us a seminar entitled : Spin dynamics and transport at the nanoscale In this talk, I will cover some highlights of my research on computational materials modelling of magnetic nanostructures. First, I will discuss magnetism at the […]

Guillaume Prenat (SPINTEC) soutiendra son HDR intitulée : Conception de circuits hybrides CMOS/Magnétiques Lieu : Salle 334 – bâtiment 1005 (MINATEC) et en visioconférence https://grenoble-inp.zoom.us/j/3741741553  Code secret : HDR2021 Résumé: Le travail de recherche présenté au cours de cette soutenance concerne la conception de circuits intégrés hybrides CMOS/Magnétiques. La spintronique est une discipline qui consiste […]