We have the pleasure to welcome Michel Viret from SPEC, CEA, Saclay. He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Ultra-fast dynamical properties of antiferromagnetic domains He will particularly focus on time resolved imaging of ultra-fast demagnetization and femtosecond process in BiFeO3.

On Thursday 14th of November at 14h00 Paul NOËL, will defend his thesis entitled : Dynamical spin injection and spin to charge current conversion in oxide-based Rashba interfaces and topological insulators Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Daniele Pinna from Johannes Gutenberg University. He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC (*) Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Reservoir Computing with Random Magnetic Textures In this talk we will discuss how a random magnetic “fabric” composed of skyrmion clusters can be effectively employed to implement a […]

On Thursday 28th of November at 10h00 Nicolas THIERY, will defend his thesis entitled : Spin transfer in a magnetic insulator (Transfert de spin dans un isolant magnétique) Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in advance, […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein from Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik and Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Nernst effect experiments in magnetic thin films The Nernst effect describes the transverse electric field […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Nicolas Jaouen from SEXTANTS beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL. He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Chirality in thin films and multilayers probed by Soft x-ray (coherent) scattering Many current forthcoming applications of magnetic materials involve heterostructures or alloys containing magnetic and non-magnetic elements. […]

On Thursday 5th of December at 13h30 Jayshankar NATH , will defend his thesis entitled : Mechanism of Spin-Orbit Torques in Platinum Oxide Systems (Mécanisme des Couples Spin-Orbite dans les Systèmes à l’Oxyde de Platine) Place : CEA 17 rue des Martyrs, bat 1005 room 445 (persons who do not have a CEA badge must […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Yaroslav Kvashnin from Uppsala University. He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Magnetic interactions and excitations from first principles Magnetization dynamics on the nanoscale can be well described by Landau-Lifshitz(-Gilbert) equation of motion. If properly parameterized, it enables to model magnon excitations […]

We have the pleasure to welcome Richard Schlitz from Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC (*) Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Spin Hall magnetoresistance in disordered magnetic insulator/metal heterostructures The spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) can be used as powerful tool to investigate the magnetic state of magnetically ordered […]