Meeting on “Spintronics and Nanomagnetism in Grenoble”
November 5th, 2015 at the Salle Lesdiguières at the Fort de la Bastille, Grenoble
organised in the framework of the LABEX LANEF.
Organising committee
Stefania Pizzini 5nEEL)
Nicolas Rougemaille (NEEL)
Patrick Warin (NM-INAC)
Ursula Ebels (SPINTEC)
Preliminary program
08h30 – 09h00 Montée en téléphérique -Accueil des participants
09h00 – 09h25 Spin pumping and spin-orbit effects in Germanium (M. Jamet)
09h25 – 09h50 Artificial spin ice systems (N. Rougemaille)
09h50 – 10h15 Magnetisation reversal by SOT (L. Buda)
10h15 – 10h40 R. Morel
10h40 – 11h15 Pause café
11h15 – 11h40 Observation of skyrmions at room T i(O. Boulle)
11h40 – 12h05 Domain walls in nanowires (O. Fruchart)
12h05 – 12h30 Micro-magnets for biology (Nora Dempsey)
12h30 – 13h30 Déjeuner
13h30 – 15h45 Session poster
15h45– 16h10 Pure spin current in metallic nanostructures (J.Ph. Attané)
16h10 – 16h35 Recent advances in MRAM writing procedure (R. Sousa)
16h35 – 17h00 Magnetism of graphene (M. Chshiev)
17h00 – 17h25 Magnetisation dynamics in YIG/Pt (O. Klein)
17h30 Prix meilleur poster et fin de la journée