TRAINING BY RESEARCH (September 18th, 2015)
Training by research: doctoral and post doctoral training Training students and professionals through research is one of the SPINTEC key missions. Ensuring the highest standard of scientific and human management towards the early stage researchers (PhDs and post docs) is a commitment we share within all INAC teams. SPINTEC students belong to 2 […]
Read moreMagnetic sensors (September 11th, 2015)
Thematic overview Spintec was originally heavily involved in read heads for disk drive, yet this activity all but vanished due to the strong consolidation of the industry, now with only two players with strong internal R&D capabilities. The technologies used consumer applications sensors remain relatively simple and the industry is extremely conservative, which limits the […]
Read moreNON-VOLATILE LOGIC (September 11th, 2015)
MRAMs nowadays constitute one of the main areas of application of spin electronics. However, besides the standalone memory application, the same hybrid CMOS/magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) technology is also extremely promising in the field of logic and more generally can yield a totally new approach in the way electronic devices are designed. Most CMOS devices […]
Read moreMRAM MEMORIES (September 11th, 2015)
Thematic overview Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAM) is a non-volatile memory technology, where information is stored by the magnetization direction of magnetic electrodes, very similar to computer hard-disk drives. The goal for MRAM memory is to simultaneously achieve high-speed read/write times, high density and unlimited cycling compared to other existing and emerging technologies. […]
Read moreIntegrated monolithic 3D magnetic compass (September 02nd, 2015)
Integrated monolithic 3D magnetic compass G. Gaudin, Ph. Sabon, C. Baraduc, A. Schuhl, I.L. Prejbeanu We developed a new 3D magnetometer concept, fully integrated, more compact, more accurate and more efficient than current solutions. This magnetometer is perfectly suitable for mobile applications of spatial localization requiring a large autonomy. More and more portable consumer devices […]
Read moreSpin orbit effects (July 24th, 2015)
YIG delay lines: Description: Microwave wireless telecommunications are the backbone of the information age. They enable the exchange of data between connected objects. The Internet of Things is expected to connect as much as 80 billion objects by 2020. Accommodating such large number of handsets requires a paradigm shift in the performance of microwave analog […]
Read more7TH NAMIECEB WORKSHOP AWARD (July 02nd, 2015)
Selma LEULMI a gagné un prix du meilleur Poster, décerné par la Fondation Nanosciences lors de la Journée « 7th Workshop ’Nano & Micro-Environments for Cell Biology’ » du 30/01/2014. Selma LEULMI received the Poster Award of the Nanosciences Foundation, in recognition of the great quality of her poster presentation, for the « 7th Workshop […]
En oncologie, les nanoparticules magnétiques sont utilisées pour brûler les cellules cancéreuses. Un nouvel usage, basé sur leur vibration au contact de ces cellules, est à l’étude par les chercheurs du CEA-Inac. Pour un traitement plus doux pour le patient, mais sans appel pour les tumeurs… Sources : Les DEFIS du CEA N°189, page 10 […]
Read moreDES NANOPARTICULES À L’ASSAUT ! (July 02nd, 2015)
En vibrant à leur contact sous l’effet d’un champ magnétique externe, des nanoparticules peuvent infliger à des cellules tumorales un stress mécanique fatal. Des physiciens de l’Inac ont élaboré et testé deux familles de nanoparticules. Leurs résultats confortent la perspective de thérapies ciblées contre le cancer.…
Application of bio-functionalized magnetic micro-particles elaborated by the top-down approach Selma Leulmi is a PhD student at SPINTEC with background both in nanotechnology and biology who conducts the study on triggering cancer cell apoptosis. This particular project is currently explored at SPINTEC in collaboration with INAC/SPrAM and INAC/SCIB. Microparticles elaborated by the top-down approach are […]
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