Hprobe, la pépite française qui veut accélérer le test de mémoires et capteurs magnétiques (February 04th, 2020)
Hprobe passe à la vitesse supérieure. Après avoir levé 300 000 euros en avril 2018, la start-up issue de SPINTEC et spécialiste du test magnétique de composants semi-conducteurs vient de boucler un deuxième tour de table de 2 millions d’euros. Parmi les investisseurs figurent le fond d’investissement taïwanais ITIC et l’équipementier japonais de production de […]
Read moreSeminar – Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons (January 22nd, 2020)
On June 19th at 11:00, Mathias Klaui from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany will give us an IEEE Distinguished Lecture (*) the seminar will take place by video-conference. Contact for the link : adriana-gabriela.stoenescu@cea.fr Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields and moving electrons With information technology consuming a sizeable part of the total energy, “GreenIT” information […]
Read moreCOMRAD – An H2020 ITN project (January 16th, 2020)
Overview COMRAD is an H2020 ITN projet (2020-2024). It will explore novel routes for the fastest possible and least dissipative magnetic switching in random access devices by bringing together the two disciplines of ultrafast magnetism and spin-orbitronics, creating sub-100 ps stimuli in spin-orbitronics and pushing the latter into a regime beyond the limitations of equilibrium […]
Read morePost-doctoral position – Electronic structure and transport calculations for 2D materials-based spintronics (December 17th, 2019)
First-principles calculations of electronic structure and transport properties of 2D materials-based magnetic nanostructures Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at SPINTEC Lab in the area of of theoretcial investigations of electronic structure and transport properties of magnetic nanostructures comprising magnetic metals, insulators, graphene and other 2D materials in the scope of 2D spintronics developments. […]
Read morePost-doc in spintronics on the modeling of magnetic skyrmions (December 16th, 2019)
Contract Period : 24 months Expected date of employment : 1 March 2020 Mission: Spintec is calling for applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are topological spin textures that are promising for storing and manipulating information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in […]
Read moreSeminar – Spin Hall magnetoresistance in disordered magnetic insulator/metal heterostructures (December 16th, 2019)
On February 6th at 15:00, we have the pleasure to welcome Richard Schlitz from Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). He will give us a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC (*) Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Spin Hall magnetoresistance in disordered magnetic insulator/metal heterostructures The spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) can be used as powerful tool to investigate the […]
Read moreLarge Current-Driven Domain Wall Mobility by pure spin transfer torque in Ferrimagnetic Mn4N Thin Films (December 11th, 2019)
We found that Mn4N, a rare-earth free ferrimagnet made of abundant elements, is an exciting candidate for the development of sustainable spintronics devices. This material possess exciting properties, and in particular domain walls can be moved at record speeds by spin-polarized currents, in absence of any external magnetic field. This is explained by the large […]
Read moreSeminar – Magnetic interactions and excitations from first principles (December 09th, 2019)
On December 20th at 11:00, we have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Yaroslav Kvashnin from Uppsala University who will give a seminar at CEA/SPINTEC, Bat 1005, room 445, entitled : Magnetic interactions and excitations from first principles Magnetization dynamics on the nanoscale can be well described by Landau-Lifshitz(-Gilbert) equation of motion. If properly parameterized, it […]
Read moreTopology and Œrsted field prevent Walker breakdown in cylindrical nanowires (December 06th, 2019)
Domain-wall motion in one-dimensional conduits is both a textbook case for magnetization dynamics and the understanding of spin torques, and of practical importance for the design of novel spintronic ICT devices. However, instabilities known as Walker breakdown limit the speed in most cases. We have shown experimentally and confirmed by simulation, that these instabilities are […]
Read moreSpintronic memristor based on an isotropically coercive magnetic layer (December 03rd, 2019)
We propose an original concept of spintronic memristor based on the angular variation of the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) of a nanopillar comprising several magnetic layers. We have experimentally developed the appropriate magnetic free layer and integrated it in a full nanosized magnetic tunnel junction pillar. In parallel, we developed a model describing the magnetization dynamics […]
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