Kevin GARELLO joins SPINTEC (June 05th, 2020)
We are pleased to announce the arrival on June 2, 2020 of Kevin Garello at SPINTEC. Kevin comes from IMEC Belgium, where he was in charge of exploratory magnetic memory activities, being in addition the leader of spintronic work package for Graphene Flagship. Within the MRAM team, Kevin will bring his vision and know-how of […]
Read moreLorena ANGHEL joins SPINTEC (June 05th, 2020)
We are pleased to announce the arrival on June 1st, 2020 at SPINTEC, within the Spintronics IC design team of Lorena ANGHEL, professor at Grenoble INP / PHELMA, currently deputy director in charge of Research at Grenoble INP, in the fields of microelectronics, electronics and embedded systems. After a 23-year career in the TIMA laboratory, […]
Read morePaul NOËL receives a PhD award from University Grenoble Alpes (June 03rd, 2020)
Paul Noël has been awarded one out of the 9 awards of the University Grenoble Alpes, for PhDs defended in 2019. Paul Noël conducted his PhD work at SPINTEC, under the co-supervision of Jean-Philippe Attané and Laurent Vila, in the Spinorbitronics team. Part of the work has been conducted in collaboration with UMPhy CNRS/Thales. The […]
Read moreCoherent long-range coupling between spins by chiral phonons (May 04th, 2020)
We present experimental evidence for coherent long-distance transport of angular momentum inside a non-magnetic dielectric via the coupling to circularly polarized sound waves that exceeds previous benchmarks set by magnon diffusion by orders of magnitude. The vision of spintronics is to use the spin of an electron rather than its charge to allow computers and […]
Read moreAll-optical switching of magnetization in Tb/Co-multilayer based electrodes (April 30th, 2020)
This work reports the development of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions incorporating a stack of Tb/Co nanolayers whose magnetization can be all-optically controlled via helicity-independent single-shot switching. Toggling of the magnetization of the Tb/Co electrode was achieved using either 60 femtosecond-long or 5 picosecond-long laser pulses, with incident fluences down to 3.5 mJ/cm2. Ever since the […]
Read morePhD Defense – Proximity-induced transport phenomena in graphene-based spintronic device (April 28th, 2020)
On Wednesday May 13, 2020 at 14h Daniel SOLIS LERMA from SPINTEC will defend his PhD thesis entitled : Proximity-induced transport phenomena in graphene-based spintronic devices Place : the defense (public) will take place by video-conference. Contact us to have the link ( Abstract: In this thesis we present a study of transport properties of […]
Read moreSpintronique : technologie disruptive (Le Monde, blog Sciences2) (April 23rd, 2020)
Le blog Sciences2 du journal Le Monde du 23 avril 2020 La nouvelle nous vient de la revue Nature de ce matin. Où une équipe française annonce une rupture énergétique en micro-électronique. Et plus exactement en spintronique, la technologie des mémoires de vos téléphones portables et ordinateurs qui a valu son prix Nobel de Physique […]
Read moreNon-volatile electric control of spin–charge conversion in a SrTiO3 Rashba system (April 22nd, 2020)
Electron spin—a fundamentally quantum property—is central to spintronics, a technology that revolutionized data storage, and that could play a major role in creating new computer processors. In order to generate and detect spin currents, spintronics traditionally uses ferromagnetic materials whose magnetization switching consume high amounts of energy. In the April 22, 2020 issue of Nature, […]
Read moreReview on spintronics: Principles and device applications (April 01st, 2020)
Atsufumi Hirohata, Keisuke Yamada, Yoshinobu Nakatani, Ioan-Lucian Prejbeanu, Bernard Diény, Philipp Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands Spintronics is one of the emerging fields for the next-generation nanoelectronic devices to reduce their power consumption and to increase their memory and processing capabilities. Such devices utilise the spin degree of freedom of electrons and/or holes, which can also interact […]
Read moreReducing the impact of operating temperature in magnetic memory thanks to perpendicular shape anisotropy (April 01st, 2020)
MRAM is a type of nonvolatile memory that stores the binary information through the magnetic configuration of its main building block: the Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ). In the last decade, the use of perpendicular anisotropy existing at the tunnel barrier interface, allowed to improve MRAM manufacturability. However, the thermal sensitivity of the interfacial anisotropy is […]
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