Research team Spintronic IC design, within the device group
Best poster award at the 18th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (October 26th, 2018)
Rana Alhalabi has been awarded of the best poster prize at the 18th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium that took place in October 2018 in Sendai, Japan. The title of the poster was “High density SOT-MRAM memory array based on a single transistor”. Based on a 32kb memory, this work has shown that replacing one of […]
Read moreThe EU GREAT Project delivered its 2nd tape-out demonstrator (October 16th, 2018)
A full hybrid magnetic/CMOS System on Chip (SoC), embedding analog and digital functions based on spintronics devices on the same die, has been designed and sent to manufacturing. It is the first demonstrator of such a circuit worldwide. Spintronics, which aims at using magnetic devices beside standard CMOS transistors, has been intensively studied for several […]
Read moreMasters thesis projects for Spring 2019 (October 10th, 2018)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2019. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply. You may either download the full list of proposals, along with an introduction to the SPINTEC […]
Read moreSeminar – NV-RAM and harvesting technologies for next generation sensors: a system and software perspective (October 10th, 2018)
On October 23 at 11am at SPINTEC room 434A, Guillaume Salagnac (left) and Tanguy Risset (right) from INRIA Lyon will kindly present the work of their team during a seminar entitled: “NV-RAM and harvesting technologies for next generation sensors: a system and software perspective” The Socrate Inria Team ( has launched a new research activity […]
Read moreHigh speed and low area look-up table design based on MRAM memory (September 07th, 2018)
Continual growth in the size and functionality of FPGA over few years leads to an increasing interest in their use for high speed applications. However, the memory access speed limits the execution speed. The great amount of data affects the whole function. This work introduces a novel high speed and high-area efficiency MRAM based non-volatile […]
Read moreBest poster award of EEATS (June 08th, 2018)
In the framework of an internal collaborative project between CEA-LETI and CEA/CNRS/UGA-SPINTEC Lab, Rana Alhalabi proposed a new Look Up Table (LUT) architecture, which is one of the elementary cell of FPGAs (Field Programmable Grid Array). This innovation offers a 55% sense delay reduction, 47% number of MTJ reduction, 46% power-delay product reduction and a […]
Read moreA Novel Asynchronous Radiation-Hard Error Correction Structure Based on MRAM (October 19th, 2017)
Radiation robust circuit design for harsh environments like space is a big challenge for IC design and embedded systems. As circuits become more and more complex and CMOS processes get denser and smaller, their immunity towards particle strikes decreases drastically. Spintec proposed a novel integrated circuit structure that enable to increase to increase the robustness […]
Read moreProposals for student internships for Spring 2018 (October 03rd, 2017)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2018. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply. You may either download the full list of proposals, along with an introduction to the SPINTEC […]
Read morePhD thesis defense : Design of an Innovative Asynchronous, Non-Volatile Integrated Circuit for Space Applications (August 31st, 2017)
On Monday, the 18th Of September 2017 at 14h00, Jérémy LOPES from DRF/INAC/SPINTEC, will defend his PhD thesis entitled “Design of an Innovative Asynchronous, Non-Volatile Integrated Circuit for Space Applications” Place : LIRMM, 161 rue Ada 34095 Montpellier, salle de séminaire du LIRMM </span style=”color:#FF0000″> Today, there are several ways to develop microelectronic circuits adapted […]
Read moreSeminar : Neuromorphic computing : From a memristive device to the learning process (July 05th, 2017)
on July, 12th, 14H, Steven Lequeux from Spintec, will give a seminar on “Neuromorphic computing : From a memristive device to the learning process”. The seminar will take place in Building 10.05, room 434. In the current context of information technology, the sequential processing carried out by classical computer architectures stumbles on problems of energy […]
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