Research team Spintronic IC design, within the device group
PEPR Electronics – Priority Programs and Equipment for Research (July 29th, 2022)
SPINTEC involved in the PEPR electronics recently funded by the French government in the framework of the national France 2030 strategy On July 12, 2022, the President of the Republic presented in Crolles the France 2030 national investment strategy for the electronics sector. France 2030 will dedicate more than 5 billion euros to support the […]
Read morePEPR SPIN – Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (July 29th, 2022)
France is investing more than 38M€ in Spintronics thanks to the PEPR-SPIN exploratory program! SPIN is among the 13 new exploratory programs winners of the second wave of calls for projects Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (PEPR). Funded by France 2030, this action (€1 billion) aims to launch research programs in emerging scientific […]
Read moreSeminar – Spin waves as state variables for logic and analog circuits (March 24th, 2022)
On Monday, June 13th at 14:00 Thibaut Devolder from C2N, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay will give us a seminar entitled: Spin waves as state variables for logic and analog circuits Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) skype link if this link does not work see below (*) […]
Read moreMasters thesis projects for Spring 2022 (September 17th, 2021)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2022. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply, as well as students not phased for a Spring internship, especially those coming from […]
Read moreHeavy ion irradiation effects on advanced Perpendicular Anisotropy Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction (September 10th, 2021)
This study investigates heavy-ion irradiation effects on Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction devices (p-STT-MTJs). The radiative campaign took place at the Cyclotron Resource Centre of Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Designers of space systems have to deal with ensuring complex data processing, while obtaining, at the same time, a proper level […]
Read moreNeuSPIN – An ANR project (June 24th, 2021)
NeuSPIN stands for Design of a reliable edge neuromorphic system based on spintronics for Green AI. Current computing architectures with separate processing and memory blocks are not ideal for energy-efficient learning and inference processing for AI on the edge concept. For AI edge applications, it is envisioned that classical von Neumann computing will be replaced […]
Read moreHighlights of SPINTEC research in 2020 (December 10th, 2020)
The research highlights of SPINTEC over the year 2020 have been put together, and are available to download: This booklet contains the key facts of the lab over the period (contracts, new staff etc.), the most up-to-date description of the lab activity and the research teams. We wish you a nice reading!
Read moreMasters thesis projects for Spring 2021 (September 15th, 2020)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2021. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply, as well as students not phased for a Spring internship. You may download the […]
Read moreReview — Opportunities and challenges for spintronics in the microelectronics industry (August 19th, 2020)
The European consortium SpintronicFactory, largely supported by the French laboratories Spintec (Grenoble) and the CNRS-Thales Joint Lab (Palaiseau), publishes in the journal Nature Electronics an ambitious roadmap for spintronics. This discipline on the borderline between magnetism and microelectronics is indeed reaching maturity, offering broad prospects for innovation. B. Dieny, I. L. Prejbeanu, K. Garello, P. […]
Read moreSpin Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction for Single Event Effects mitigation in IC Design (July 23rd, 2020)
Due to its good radiation effects tolerance and its inherent non volatility, Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junction (STT-MTJ) is considered as a promising candidate for high-reliability electronics. A radiation tolerant circuit design suitable for space application is proposed in this study. Radiation effects research on semiconductors has been pursued since the 1960s becoming an extremely […]
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