Research team Health and biology, within the device group
Proposals for student internships for Spring 2018 (October 03rd, 2017)
You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place during Spring 2018. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply. You may either download the full list of proposals, along with an introduction to the SPINTEC […]
Read more18 months post-doct position : Magnetically actuated metamaterials for biotechnology applications (July 11th, 2017)
The CEA/INAC SPINTEC and SyMMES labs offer an 18 months post-doctoral position on the development of magnetically actuated metamaterials prototypes for biotechnology applications. This work is part of the ABIOMATER European FET project, with the general goal of developing bio-inspired metamaterials [1]. This project aims at the creation of a new class of magnetically actuated […]
Read moreNanotweezers and their remote actuation by magnetic fields (May 23rd, 2017)
We have developed arrays of innovative magnetic nanotweezers or “nanojaws” on silicon wafers, by a top-down approach using the fabrication techniques of microelectronics. The mechanical manipulation of micro- and nanometric objects relies on constantly evolving techniques, which are of great interest to the life sciences and biotechnologies. Numerous biomedical studies, either fundamental or applied to […]
Read moreMagneto-optical micromechanical systems for magnetic field mapping (February 17th, 2017)
Magnetic field mapping techniques have continuously been developed due to the necessity for determining the spatial components of local magnetic fields in many industrial applications and fundamental research. Several factors are considered for sensors such as spatial resolution, sensitivity, linear response, required proximity to the sample, as well as the ability to filter noise and […]
Read more18 months post-doctoral position: Magnetically actuated metamaterials for biotechnology applications (January 30th, 2017)
The SPINTEC and SyMMES laboratories of INAC (CEA-Grenoble), offer an 18 months post-doctoral position on the development of magnetically actuated metamaterials prototypes for biotechnology applications. This work is part of the ABIOMATER European FET project, aiming at the creation of magnetically actuated soft metamaterials as a basis for micro-mechanical devices. Based on the results already […]
Read moreNanoviber – An ERA-NET project at SPINTEC (November 26th, 2016)
Overview NANOVIBER (EURONANOMED-II ERA-NET project) was accepted at the Fall 2016. Context: Despite the progress of chemo-radiotherapy, molecular and cellular therapies as well as neurosurgery, glioblastoma remains a deadliness disease. Beside drugs, radiotherapy and surgery, “physical” therapies are synergistic opportunities to solve this major biomedical bottleneck. Paramagnetic particles have been extensively used in association with magnetic […]
Read moreMaster students to visit SPINTEC and discuss our topics for internships (September 18th, 2016)
On 25th October 2016 our host Institut INAC welcomes students for a presentation of internship topics proposed to host Master-2 students during Spring 2017. Details will be provided later.
Read more7TH NAMIECEB WORKSHOP AWARD (July 02nd, 2015)
Selma LEULMI a gagné un prix du meilleur Poster, décerné par la Fondation Nanosciences lors de la Journée « 7th Workshop ’Nano & Micro-Environments for Cell Biology’ » du 30/01/2014. Selma LEULMI received the Poster Award of the Nanosciences Foundation, in recognition of the great quality of her poster presentation, for the « 7th Workshop […]
En oncologie, les nanoparticules magnétiques sont utilisées pour brûler les cellules cancéreuses. Un nouvel usage, basé sur leur vibration au contact de ces cellules, est à l’étude par les chercheurs du CEA-Inac. Pour un traitement plus doux pour le patient, mais sans appel pour les tumeurs… Sources : Les DEFIS du CEA N°189, page 10 […]
Read moreDES NANOPARTICULES À L’ASSAUT ! (July 02nd, 2015)
En vibrant à leur contact sous l’effet d’un champ magnétique externe, des nanoparticules peuvent infliger à des cellules tumorales un stress mécanique fatal. Des physiciens de l’Inac ont élaboré et testé deux familles de nanoparticules. Leurs résultats confortent la perspective de thérapies ciblées contre le cancer.…
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