Research team Spinorbitronics, within the Concepts group
TOPRISE – An ANR project (September 05th, 2016)
The ANR project TOPRISE project aims at studying and exploiting Topological Insulator and Rashba Interface States for Spin Electronics. Most spintronics devices are today based on the manipulation of spin currents that do not carry electrical charges but can be described as equal flows of electrons with opposite spins in opposite directions. The main operations […]
Read moreELECSPIN – An ANR project (July 29th, 2016)
Objectives ELECSPIN project has just been accepted at the 2016 ANR call. This collaborative research project aims to investigate the advanced concept of radically new nanoelectronics devices based on the electric-field control of spin-based phenomena and establish proof of principle demonstrations of multi-terminal energy efficient memory nano devices. The main objectives are: To explore, understand and optimize the physical mechanisms of […]
Read moreDes skyrmions magnétiques observés à température ambiante (February 09th, 2016)
Ces structures magnétiques nanométriques ont été observées à températures ambiante dans des matériaux compatibles avec l’industrie électronique. Ces résultats font sauter un verrou important quant à l’utilisation des skyrmions comme vecteur d’information à l’échelle nanométrique dans nos ordinateurs.
Read moreMagnetic Origami (January 08th, 2016)
Magnetic Origami Magnetic devices made from the same thin film and subjected to the same electric excitation switch opposite to each other due to their different shape. Mihai MIRON The magic about the art of paper folding is that from the same sheet of paper one can create so many different objects. Unfortunately, the functionality […]
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