Selected publications (2016 onwards)

Quasiballistic magnetization reversal, Schumacher, H.W., Chappert, C., Sousa, R.C., Freitas, P., Miltat, J., Physical Review Letters, 90, 017204 (2003)

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Support d’enregistrement magnétique multiniveaux, Baltz, V., B. Dieny and B. Rodmacq (2003)

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Current-induced precessional magnetization reversal, Schumacher, H.W., Chappert, C., Sousa, R.C., Freitas, P., Applied Physics Letters, 83, 2205 (2003)

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Phase coherent precessional magnetization reversal in microscopic spin valve elements, Schumacher, H.W., Chappert, C., Crozat, P., Sousa, R.C., Freitas, P., Miltat, J., Fassbender, J., Hillebrands, B., Physical Review Letters, 90, 017201 (2003)

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Extraordinary Hall Effect in a hybrid ferromagnetic/superconductor (F/S) bilayer, Ryzhanova, N., Dieny, B., Lacroix, C., Strelkov, N., Vedyaev, A., Europhysics Letters, 61, 688 (2003)

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Large-scale, 2D arrays of magnetic nanoparticles, Rybczynski, J., Ebels, U., Giersig, M., 219, 1 (2003)

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Les MRAMS ont recours à la thermique, Sousa, R.C., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 494 (2003)

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Structural investigations of Co/ZrO, Proux, O., Micha, J.-S., Regnard, J.-R., Traverse, A., Dieny, B., Ernult, F., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Hazemann, J.-L., Giacomoni, L., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, 7237 (2003)

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Magnetic random access memories (MRAM): A truly universal memory ?, Nozières, J.-P., 3, 6 (2003)

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Electrically-induced luminescence quenching in p, Gelloz, B., Bsiesy, A., Herino, R., Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 2381 (2003)

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