Selected publications (2016 onwards)

Spin injection into semiconductors: Towards a semiconductor-based spintronic device, Bsiesy, A., Comptes Rendus de Physique, 6, 1022 (2005)

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Improved patterned media for probe-based heat-assisted magnetic recording, Algré, E., Gaudin, G., Bsiesy, A., Nozières, J.-P., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41, 2857 (2005)

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Quand le courant passe, l’aimantation oscille, Lee, K.J., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 510 (2005)

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Elaboration et caractérisation des nanostructures magnétiques Popa, Adriana (2004)

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Modélisation et simulation de micro systèmes magnétiques: Application aux têtes de lecture GMR pour enregistreur sur bande et aux mémoires magnétiques de type MRAM Bernard-Granger, Fabrice (2004)

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Size effects on exchange bias in sub-100nm ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic dots deposited on pre-patterned substrates, Baltz, V., Sort, J., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Landis, S., Applied Physics Letters, 84, 4923 (2004)

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Variations of the induced anisotropy in a-CoZr(M) (M= Mo, Ta) films as a function of thickness and deposition parameters, Suran, G., Ouahmane, H., Gortais, G., Nozières, J.-P., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1466 (2004)

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Développement d’un environnement de modélisation micromagnétique-couplage MACRO-MICRO, Firastrau, Ioana (2004)

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Local precessional reversal of a spin valve element, Stanescu, D., da Cas Viegas, A., Kerekes, M., Rodmacq, B., Ebels, U., Xavier, P., Fournier, T., Muller, S., Ounadjela, K., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1884 (2004)

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Tunneling hotspots and heating in magnetic tunnel junctions, Sousa, R.C., Prejbeanu, I.L., Stanescu, D., Rodmacq, B., Redon, O., Dieny, B., Wang, J., Freitas, P., Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 6783 (2004)

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