Selected publications (2016 onwards)

Asymmetric domain wall depinning under current in spin valves with perpendicular anisotropy, Park, S., Nguyen, N.M., Burrowes, C., Fullerton, E.E., Chappert, C., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Garcia Sanchez, F., Ravelosona, D., Applied Physics Letters, 98, 232512 (2011)

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Tumbling motion yielding fast displacements of synthetic antiferromagnetic nanoparticles for biological applications, Courcier, T., Joisten, H., Sabon, P., Leulmi, S., Dietsch, T., Faure-Vincent, J., Auffret, S., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 99, 093107 (2011)

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MRAM: Quand le courant emprunte un chemin de traverse, Gaudin, G., 17 (2011)

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Empilement magnétique et point mémoire comportant un tel empilement, Bandiera, S., Dieny, B., Rodmacq, B. (2011)

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Orbital moment anisotropy of Pt/Co/AlO, Nistor, C., Balashov, T., Kavich, J.J., Lodi Rizzini, A.L., Ballesteros, B., Gaudin, G., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Dhesi, S.S., Gambardella, P., Physical Review B, 84, 054464 (2011)

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Fast propagation of weakly pinned domain walls and current-assisted magnetization reversal in He+-irradiated Pt/Co/Pt nanotracks, Cormier, M., Mougin, A., Ferré, J., Jamet, J.-P., Weil, R., Fassbender, J., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 215002 (2011)

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Hybrid CMOS/Magnetic process design kit and application to the design of high-performances non-volatile logic circuits, Prenat, G., G. di Pendina, K. Torki, B. Dieny and J.-P. Nozières, 240 (2011)

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Des mémoires meilleures et peu gourmandes, Gaudin, G., 576 (2011)

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Two bit per dot patterned media combining in-plane and perpendicular-to-plane magnetized thin films, Moritz, J., Vinai, G., Auffret, S., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 083902 (2011)

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Current-induced domain wall motion in nanoscale ferromagnetic elements, Boulle, O., Malinowski, G., Kläui, M., 72, 159 (2011)

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