Effects of sputter-deposition-induced and post-deposition thermally-activated intermixing on the exchange bias properties of [Pt/Co](x3)/(Pt)/IrMn films, Letellier, F., Baltz, V., Lechevallier, L., Lardé, R., Jacquot, J.-F., Rodmacq, B., Le Breton, J.-M., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 45, 275001 (2012)

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Synchronization of a spin torque oscillator array by a radiofrequency current, Zarudniev, M., Colinet, E., Villard, P., Ebels, U., Quinsat, M., Scorletti, G., Mechatronics, 22, 552 (2012)

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Temperature stability of (Pt/Co)(3)/IrMn multilayers, Lechevallier, L., Zarefy, A., Letellier, F., Lardé, R., Blavette, D., Le Breton, J.-M., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 043904 (2012)

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Spin-polarized transport in structures with tunnel barriers, Vedyaev, A.V., Kotel’nikova, O.A., Lystzeva, L.Y., Ryzhanova, N.V., Strelkov, N.V., Chshiev, M., Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 168, 1225 (2011)

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Stochastic domain wall depinning under current in FePt spin valves and single layers, Mihai, A.P., Garcia Sanchez, F., Vila, L., Marty, A., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Pillet, J.-C., Beigné, C., Ravelosona, D., Mannequin, C., Toussaint, J.-C., Attané, J.-P., Physical Review B, 84, 014411 (2011)

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Influence of Pt as Mn diffusion barrier on the distribution of blocking temperature in Co/(Pt)/IrMn exchange-biased layers, Baltz, V., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 066102 (2011)

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Improved coherence of ultrafast spin transfer-driven precessional switching with synthetic antiferromagnet perpendicular polarizer, Vaysset, A., Papusoi, C., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Bandiera, S., Marins de Castro Souza, M., Dahmane, Y., Toussaint, J.-C., Ebels, U., Auffret, S., Sousa, R., Vila, L., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 98, 242511 (2011)

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Parametric oscillator based on nonlinear vortex dynamics in low-resistance magnetic tunnel junctions, Martin, S.Y., de Mestier, N., Thirion, C., Hoarau, C., Conraux, Y., Baraduc, C., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 84, 144434 (2011)

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Charge trapping-detrapping mechanism of barrier breakdown in MgO magnetic tunnel junctions, Amara-Dababi, S., Sousa, R.C., Chshiev, M., Béa, H., Alvarez-Hérault, J., Lombard, L., Prejbeanu, I.L., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 99, 083501 (2011)

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Direct observation of Oersted field-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes, Uhlí, Physical Review B, 83, 020406 (2011)

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