Tunneling hotspots and heating in magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2004)
Tunneling hotspots and heating in magnetic tunnel junctions, Sousa, R.C., Prejbeanu, I.L., Stanescu, D., Rodmacq, B., Redon, O., Dieny, B., Wang, J., Freitas, P., Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 6783 (2004)
Read moreThermal stability of pinned synthetic ferrimagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (January 01st, 2004)
Thermal stability of pinned synthetic ferrimagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Sort, J., Rodmacq, B., Garcia, F., Auffret, S., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 7163 (2004)
Read moreExchange bias effects in Fe nanoparticles embedded in an antiferromagnetic Cr (January 01st, 2004)
Exchange bias effects in Fe nanoparticles embedded in an antiferromagnetic Cr, Sort, J., Langlais, V., Doppiu, S., Dieny, B., Surinach, S., Munoz, J.S., Baró, M.D., Laurent, C., Noguès, J., Nanotechnology, 15, S211 (2004)
Read moreExchange bias effects in submicron antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic dots prepared by nanosphere lithography (January 01st, 2004)
Exchange bias effects in submicron antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic dots prepared by nanosphere lithography, Sort, J., Glaczynska, H., Ebels, U., Dieny, B., Giersig, M., Rybczynski, J., Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 7516 (2004)
Read moreEnhancement of exchange bias through a non-magnetic spacer (January 01st, 2004)
Enhancement of exchange bias through a non-magnetic spacer, Sort, J., Garcia, F., Rodmacq, B., Auffret, S., Dieny, B., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 355 (2004)
Read moreThermally-assisted switching in exchange-biased storage layer magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2004)
Thermally-assisted switching in exchange-biased storage layer magnetic tunnel junctions, Prejbeanu, I.L., Kula, W., Ounadjela, K., Sousa, R.C., Redon, O., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40, 2625 (2004)
Read moreCorrelated vortex chiralities in interacting permalloy dot patterns (January 01st, 2004)
Correlated vortex chiralities in interacting permalloy dot patterns, Natali, M., Popa, A., Ebels, U., Chen, Y., Li, S., Welland, M.E., Journal of Applied Physics, 96, 4334 (2004)
Read moreSpin transfer effect in spin valve pillars for current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistive heads (January 01st, 2004)
Spin transfer effect in spin valve pillars for current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistive heads, Lee, K.J., Liu, Y., Deac, A., Li, M., Chang, J.W., Liao, S., Ju, K., Redon, O., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 7423 (2004)
Read moreFabrication of submicron magnetic line arrays for magnetic force microscopy tip calibration (January 01st, 2004)
Fabrication of submicron magnetic line arrays for magnetic force microscopy tip calibration, Landis, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., 73-74, 790 (2004)
Read moreFabrication and characterization of magnetic media deposited on top or side-edges of silicon dots (January 01st, 2004)
Fabrication and characterization of magnetic media deposited on top or side-edges of silicon dots, Landis, S., Rodmacq, B., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Baltz, V., Dieny, B., 43, 3790 (2004)
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