Bernard DIENY receives the IEEE Carrier Achievement Award (November 01st, 2018)
Bernard DIENY receives the 2018 IEEE Carrier Achievement Award for contributions to spintronics applications including spin-valves and MRAMs and for strengthening the relationship between magnetics and microelectronics communities. The Award will be handed out at the upcoming MMM/Intermag conference in Washington in January 2019. Through this award Bernard Diény becomes a life member in the […]
Read moreBest poster award at the 18th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium (October 26th, 2018)
Rana Alhalabi has been awarded of the best poster prize at the 18th Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium that took place in October 2018 in Sendai, Japan. The title of the poster was “High density SOT-MRAM memory array based on a single transistor”. Based on a 32kb memory, this work has shown that replacing one of […]
Read morePaul Noel, laureate of a best poster prize at JMC 2018 (September 18th, 2018)
Paul Noel was among the 7 laureates of a best poster prize at the Journée de la Matière Condensée, the french conference on condensed matter, held for its 16th edition, at the end of August 2018 in Grenoble. Congratulation to him! The title of his poster was: Highly efficient spin-to-charge current conversion at room temperature in […]
Read moreMihai MIRON rewarded with the yearly junior prize of IMT – French Academy of Sciences (August 26th, 2018)
Mihai Miron, junior CNRS scientist working at SPINTEC, was awarded the yearly junior prize of IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom) – French Academy of Sciences. This prize is meant as a recognition for a major contribution to innovation in one of these fields: sciences and technology of numerical revolution in industry, science and technology of energy transition, […]
Read moreBest poster award of EEATS (June 08th, 2018)
In the framework of an internal collaborative project between CEA-LETI and CEA/CNRS/UGA-SPINTEC Lab, Rana Alhalabi proposed a new Look Up Table (LUT) architecture, which is one of the elementary cell of FPGAs (Field Programmable Grid Array). This innovation offers a 55% sense delay reduction, 47% number of MTJ reduction, 46% power-delay product reduction and a […]
Read moreMagnetics Chapter wins prize for IEEE French Chapter 2018 (April 05th, 2018)
The French Magnetics Chapter of the IEEE Society was prized the “Chapter of year 2018” by the French section of the IEEE Society. Spintec is largely involved in this Chapter with Bernard Diény as President, Vincent Baltz as Secretary, Mairbek Chshiev as Treasurer. The prize comes as a recognition of its fulfillment of objectives, and […]
Read moreJean-Pierre Nozières rewarded with the CNRS Innovation Medal 2017 (August 21st, 2017)
The medal of innovation of CNRS is granted yearly to one or a few persons having conducted ground-breaking research, which led to key innovation in technology, life or social sectors. Since 2011, this distinction has been awarded for outstanding scientific research leading to a remarkable innovation, whether in the technological, therapeutic or societal fields. Jean-Pierre […]
Read moreMairbek Chshiev elevated to Senior member of the IEEE (June 27th, 2017)
Prof. M. Chshiev is a theoretical physicist specializing on theory of spintronic phenomena in magnetic nanostructures and electronic structure of materials for spintronics. His background comprises both condensed matter theory and computational material science approaches including ab-initio, tight binding, free electron and diffusive approaches. He is Head of Theory Group at SPINTEC and have been […]
Read morePoster and talk prizes at Intermag Dublin (May 03rd, 2017)
Nearly twenty scientists from SPINTEC participated in Intermag Dublin (24-28 April 2017), among which two thirds were PhD students and post-docs. Paul Noël was awarded a session poster prize (Large and tunable spin Hall angles in Au-based alloys: from intrinsic to side jump contributions), while Jyotirmoy Chatterjee was one of the five finalists for the […]
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