On March, 21, we have the pleasure to welcome Williams Savero Torres from the Catalan Institut of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Barcelone, Spain. Doctor in Physics from UGA/SPINTEC (2011-2014), he will give us a seminar at 11:00, CEA/IRIG, Bat. 1005, room 445 entitled : Spin Hall effect and anisotropic spin dynamics in graphene-based spin devices […]

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Investigation of magnetization dynamics spin transfer torque driven reversal in perpendicular shape anisotropy magnetic tunnel junctions   Spin Transfer Torque Random Access Memories (STTRAM) are focusing an increasing interest in microelectronics industry due to their non-volatility, speed, density, downsize scalability below 20nm nodes, infinite endurance plus radiation hardness. Major microelectronics companies are aiming to introduce […]

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Nanopoly — A FET-OPEN project

NANOPOLY proposes a ground-breaking yet cost effective method to extend our control over impedance and parasitic phenomena in monolithic circuit components by independently tuning electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the integrated layers to values far beyond what nature can provide. This approach will re-define all components used in existing analogue circuit design regardless of […]

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On March, 21, we have the pleasure to welcome Hyunsoo Yang associate professor at National University of Singapore. He will give us a IEEE Distinguished Lecture at 14:00, CEA/IRIG, Bat. 1005, room 446 entitled : Spin-Orbit Technologies: From Magnetic Memory to Terahertz Generation Spintronic devices utilize an electric current to alter the state of a […]

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On January 30, we have the pleasure to welcome Joo-Von Kim from Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, Université Paris-Saclay, 91120 Palaiseau, France. He will give us a seminar at 11:00, CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434A entitled : Skyrmions and antiskyrmions under spin-orbit torques: Effects of disorder, trochoidal motion, and skyrmiogenesis Magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin […]

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On April, 23, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Justin M. Shaw from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Colorado (USA). He will give us an IEEE Distinguished Lecture (*) at 11:00, CEA/IRIG, Bat. 1005, room 446 entitled : Broadband Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: The “Swiss Army Knife” for Understanding Spin-Orbit Phenomena Modern […]

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Titiksha SRIVASTAVA defends his PhD on Tuesday 29th January, 2pm, at the CNRS conference room (25 rue des Martyrs). An access request is required before hand, is you wish to attend, please send an email to Title: Engineering and dynamical control of interfacial properties in ultra-thin films to tune magnetic spin textures. Abstract: Control of […]

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Les recherches de Ioan-Mihai Miron en spintronique portent sur des nouveaux systèmes magnétiques de stockage de l’information. Menées au laboratoire Spintec, à Grenoble, elles sont encore jeunes — elles datent de 2011. Pourtant, elles représentent déjà un potentiel majeur pour faire face aux limites actuelles que rencontres les technologies de mémoire de nos ordinateurs. Elles […]

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On Wednesday 9 January 2019 at 13:30 in , Amphithéâtre du CNRS (Bat Administratif – Tour A), Laurent Vila CEA/SPINTEC-Univ. Grenoble Alpes defends his habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR), with title: [English] Spin currents and spin-orbit coupling The influence of spin-orbit coupling on transport properties has recently revived a strong interest. This coupling […]

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Spintec invites application for a postdoctoral fellowship in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions.  Magnetic skyrmions are nm scale topological spin texture that hold great promise for storing and manipulating the information at the nanoscale. Spintec recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in ultrathin nanostructures  [1] as well as their manipulation using electric field [2,3] and light [4] […]

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