C3DS – An ANR-DFG project

C3DS stands for Chemistry for three-dimensional Spintronics, and is a 36-month ANR-DFG project (2019-2022). Spintronics has become a mature technology for applications, such as magnetic field sensing and solid-state memories. However, it is almost exclusively based on planar processes such as thin film deposition and patterning. Extending spintronics to 3D devices would provide new integrated functionalities such as three-dimensional magnetic field sensors, and also open prospects for an increase of data retention or capacity for future generations of solid-state memories.

The purpose of C3DS is to develop and demonstrate the functionality of basic building blocks of spintronics suitable for 3D integration. We will use the tubular geometry, compatible with deeply-3D integration in vertical pores, and which allows core-shell structures to be obtained as required for spintronic effects. We target both various magnetoresistance effects, and domain-wall motion along such tubes. The synthesis relies on the combination of various chemical methods, which is the only route for building complex structures with a very high aspect ratio.

On the French side the work will be conducted cooperatively between SPINTEC and Institut NEEL. We will be in charge of nanofabrication in clean-room facilities to design electrical contacts, static and electric measurements, advanced magnetic microscopy, theory and micromagnetic simulation.

Contacts on the French side

  • Spintec: Olivier FRUCHART (PI), Daria GUSAKOVA, Claire BARADUC
  • Institut Néel: Jean-Christophe TOUSSAINT, Christophe THIRION, Simon Le DENMAT



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