Archives by author

Local current measurements of an insulating layer using an UHV atomic force microscope in contact mode, Gilles, B., Fettar, F., Pillet, J.-C., Marty, A., Ernult, F., Monso, S., Dieny, B., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242-245, 1261 (2002)

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Domain structure in magnetic dots prepared by nanoimprint and e-beam lithography, Moritz, J., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Landis, S., Lebib, A., Chen, Y., Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 7314 (2002)

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Patterned media made from pre-etched wafers: A promising route towards ultra-high density magnetic recording, Moritz, J., Landis, S., Toussaint, J.-C., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Rodmacq, B., Casali, G., Lebib, A., Chen, Y., Nozières, J.-P., Dieny, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 1731 (2002)

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Spin-polarized electronic reflections at metal-oxide interfaces: A technique for characterizing tunneling barriers in magnetic random access memory devices, Ounadjela, K., da Costa, V., Iovan, A., Dimopoulos, T., Dahmani, F., Mahenthiran, D., Dieny, B., Allen, W., Gregg, J.F., Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 7466 (2002)

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The mechanisms of suppression and enhancement of GMR and TMR in magnetic sandwiches, Vedyaev, A., Bagrets, D., Bagrets, A., Ryzhanova, N., Strelkov, N., Dieny, B., Lacroix, C., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242-245, 453 (2002)

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Transport and magnetic properties of isolated cobalt nanowires, Vila, L., George, J.-M., Faini, G., Popa, A., Ebels, U., Ounadjela, K., Piraux, L., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 2577 (2002)

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B. Diény, Magnetic thin films and multilayers, 255-304, Ch.20, in Magnetism, Springer (2002). DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-23063-4_6 Abstract Progress in high vacuum and ultra high vacuum material preparation techniques now allow the preparation of artificial structures consisting of ultra thin films of magnetic materials, as well as multilayer systems containing stacks of different materials, some of which […]

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Mémoire MRAM à haute densité utilisant l’écriture thermique, Ounadjela, K., B. Dieny, O. Redon (2002)

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Anisotropie d’échange et frustration magnétique dans des bicouches ferro/antiferro et des tricouches ferro/antiferro/ferromagnétiques, Ernult, Franck (2002)

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Magnetic domain configurations in exchange-coupled NiO/Co bilayer films, Cartier, M., Auffret, S., Samson, Y., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Dieny, B., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 223, 63-72 (2001)

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