Archives by author

Crossovers from in-plane to perpendicular anisotropy in magnetic tunnel junctions as a function of the barrier degree of oxidation, Rodmacq, B., Auffret, S., Dieny, B., Monso, S., Boyer, P., Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 7513 (2003)

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Precessional switching of the magnetization in microscopic magnetic tunnel junctions, Schumacher, H.W., Chappert, C., Sousa, R.C., Freitas, P., Miltat, J., Ferré, J., Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 7290 (2003)

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Injection of spin-polarized current into semiconductor, Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Ryzhanova, N., Zhukov, I.A., Zhuravlev, M.Ye., Lutz, H.O., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 258, 77 (2003)

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Support d’enregistrement magnétique multiniveaux, Baltz, V., B. Dieny and B. Rodmacq (2003)

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Mémoire magnétique à jonction tunnel magnétique et procédé pour son écriture, Dieny, B., R.C. Sousa and D. Stanescu (2003)

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Fabrication et tests de points mémoire non-volatile à base de jonctions tunnel magnétiques, Monso, Sandra, 191 (2003)

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Enregistrement ultra-haute densité sur réseau de plots magnétiques nanométriques à aimantation perpendiculaire au plan, Moritz, Jérôme (2003)

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Influence of s-d interfacial scattering on the magnetoresistance of magnetic tunnel junctions, Bagrets, D., Bagrets, A., Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 65, 064430 (2002)

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Influence of deposition angle on the properties of NiO spin valves, Cartier, M., Auffret, S., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Ernult, F., Fettar, F., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 1436 (2002)

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Modeling of the current lines in discontinuous metal/insulator multilayers, Ernult, F., Giacomoni, L., Marty, A., Dieny, B., Vedyaev, A., Ryzhanova, N., European Physical Journal B, 25, 177 (2002)

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