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Charge- and spin-diffusion equations, taking into account spin-diffusion and spin-transfer torque, were numerically solved using a finite element method in complex noncollinear geometry. As an illustration, this approach was used to study the spin-dependent transport in a two-dimensional model giant magnetoresistance metallic pillar sandwiched between extended electrodes as is the case in magnetoresistive heads for […]

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A recent report from ITRS ERD/ERM working group has identified STT MRAM and RedoxRAM as the most promising candidates for emerging scalable and manufacturable non-volatile memories1. This paper is focused on MRAM. It explains how the heating produced by Joule dissipation around the tunnel barrier of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) can be used to assist […]

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This paper is focused on thermally assisted magnetic random access memories (TA-MRAMs). It explains how the heating produced by Joule dissipation around the tunnel barrier of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) can be used advantageously to assist writing in MRAMs. The main idea is to apply a heating pulse to the junction simultaneously with a magnetic […]

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Q. Stainer, L. Lombard, K. Mackay, R. C. Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny This paper describes an original concept of thermally assisted MRAM in which memory and logic functions are combined in the same stack. The memory cell is represented by a magnetic tunnel junction having an exchange biased storage layer and a soft […]

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R.C. Sousa, S. Bandiera, M. Marins de Castro, B. Lacoste, L. San-Erneterio-Alvarez, L. Nistor, S. Auffret, U. Ebels, C. Ducruet, I. L. Prejbeanu, L. Vila, B. Rodrnacq, B. Dieny This work reports on advances in MRAM cells aiming at sub-nanosecond switching and for sub-20nm technology nodes. Ultrafast precessional spin-transfer switching in elliptical magnetic tunnel junction […]

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In WP1, studies were conducted to understand the mechanisms responsible for the dielectric breakdown in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). A key asset of STT-MRAM is their write endurance which is much better than in all other technologies of non-volatile memories (FLASH, 105 cycles; PCRAM, 109 cycles; ReRAM, 1010 10 cycles). Combined with their speed (switching time 1-5ns), and density […]

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M. Kerekes, C. Papusoi, C. Ducruet, O. Redon, R. Sousa, L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny Magnetic random access memories (MRAM) have been the first attempt to realize a Spintronics based technology. The information is stored in the relative orientation of two magnetic layers and the readout is obtained from the resistance of a magnetic tunnel junction. […]

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J. Hérault, M. Souza, Y. Hadj-Larbi, M-T. Delaye, R. Sousa, L. Prejbeanu, B. Dieny Spin transfer torque (STT) switching in magnetic random access memories (MRAM) is the most power efficient method to write information in MRAM cell. It requires a constant critical current density for writing resulting in lower write currents as the cell size […]

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Une jonction tunnel magnétique exploite des variations de résistance électrique sous l’effet d’un champ magnétique. Des chercheurs de l’Inac ont montré que l’insertion d’une couche « tampon » entre deux structures cristallines différentes peut augmenter de 75% la magnétorésistance d’une jonction à aimantation perpendiculaire, ce qui offre la perspective d’une réduction significative de la consommation […]

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