Spin blockade in ferromagnetic nanocontacts (January 01st, 2003)
Spin blockade in ferromagnetic nanocontacts, Zhuravlev, M.Ye., Tsymbal, E.Y., Jaswal, S.S., Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 83, 3534 (2003)
Read moreQuand le ferro déphase la supra (January 01st, 2003)
Quand le ferro déphase la supra, Baraduc, C., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 493 (2003)
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Un pont entre micro- et macro-mondes, Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 497 (2003)
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Mémoires magnétiques ultra-rapides, Ebels, U., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 492 (2003)
Read moreMagnetic random access memories (MRAM): A truly universal memory ? (January 01st, 2003)
Magnetic random access memories (MRAM): A truly universal memory ?, Nozières, J.-P., 3, 6 (2003)
Read moreLes MRAMS ont recours à la thermique (January 01st, 2003)
Les MRAMS ont recours à la thermique, Sousa, R.C., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 494 (2003)
Read moreEffects of swift heavy ion bombardment on magnetic tunnel junction functional properties (January 01st, 2003)
Effects of swift heavy ion bombardment on magnetic tunnel junction functional properties, Conraux, Y., Nozières, J.-P., da Costa, V., Toulemonde, M., Ounadjela, K., Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 7301 (2003)
Read moreNano-structuring of silicon and porous silicon by photo-etching using near field optics (January 01st, 2003)
Nano-structuring of silicon and porous silicon by photo-etching using near field optics, Diesinger, H., Bsiesy, A., Herino, R., 197, 561 (2003)
Read moreExchange-biased spin valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy based on (Co/Pt) multilayers (January 01st, 2003)
Exchange-biased spin valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy based on (Co/Pt) multilayers, Garcia, F., Fettar, F., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 93, 8397 (2003)
Read moreAnodic oxidation of p (January 01st, 2003)
Anodic oxidation of p, Gelloz, B., Halimaoui, A., Campidelli, Y., Bsiesy, A., Koshida, N., Herino, R., 197, 123 (2003)
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