Archives by author

Spin transfert effects in spin valves for CPP-GMR heads: A static and dynamic investigation Deac, Alina (2005)

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EPR investigation of manganese ions in 70TeO, Ardelean, I., Peteanu, M., Muresan, N., Ioncu, V., Ciorcas-Delille, F., 7, 2661 (2005)

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Tailoring size effects on the exchange bias of sub-100nm ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic nanostructures, Baltz, V., Sort, J., Landis, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Physical Review Letters, 94, 117201 (2005)

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Thermal activation effects on the exchange bias in ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic nanostructures, Baltz, V., Sort, J., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Landis, S., Physical Review B, 72, 104419 (2005)

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Exploiting length scales of exchange bias systems to fully tailor double-shifted hysteresis loops, Brück, S., Sort, J., Baltz, V., Surinach, S., Munoz, J.S., Dieny, B., Baró, M.D., Noguès, J., 17, 2978 (2005)

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Spin injection into semiconductors: Towards a semiconductor-based spintronic device, Bsiesy, A., Comptes Rendus de Physique, 6, 1022 (2005)

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Origin of the asymmetric magnetization reversal behavior in exchange-biased systems: Competing anisotropies, Camarero, J., Sort, J., Hoffmann, A., García Martín, J.M., Dieny, B., Miranda, R., Noguès, J., Physical Review Letters, 95, 057204 (2005)

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Study of the electronic paraprocess and antiphase boundaries as sources of the demagnetisation phenomenon in magnetite, Ciorcas-Delille, F., Dieny, B., Moussy, J.-B., Guittet, M.-J., Gota, S., Gautier-Soyer, M., Marin, C., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 294, 27 (2005)

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Electrochemical control and selection of the structural and magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires, Darques, M., Piraux, L., Encinas, A., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Popa, A., Ebels, U., Applied Physics Letters, 86, 072508 (2005)

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Structural and electrical characterizations of yttrium oxide films after post-annealing treatments, Durand, C., Dubourdieu, C., Vallée, C., Gautier, E., Ducroquet, F., Jalabert, D., Roussel, H., Bonvalot, M., Joubert, O., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 152, F217 (2005)

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