Archives by author

Imprinting vortices into antiferromagnets, Sort, J., Buchanan, K.S., Novosad, V., Hoffmann, A., Salazar Álvarez, G., Bollero, A., Baró, M.D., Dieny, B., Noguès, J., Physical Review Letters, 97, 067201 (2006)

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Controlling magnetic vortices through exchange bias, Sort, J., Salazar Álvarez, G., Baró, M.D., Dieny, B., Hoffmann, A., Novosad, V., Noguès, J., Applied Physics Letters, 88, 042502 (2006)

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Resonant spin torque in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions, Vedyaev, A., Ryzhanova, N., Dieny, B., Strelkov, N., 355, 243 (2006)

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Nucleation of magnetisation reversal, from nanoparticles to bulk materials, Vogel, J., Moritz, J., Fruchart, O., Comptes Rendus de Physique, 7, 977 (2006)

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Magnetic domain structure and dynamics in interacting ferromagnetic stacks with perpendicular anisotropy, Wiebel, S., Jamet, J.-P., Vernier, N., Mougin, A., Ferré, J., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 043912 (2006)

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Magnetoresistance switch effect in a multiferroic Fe, Ziese, M., Bollero, A., Panagiotopoulos, I., Moutis, N., Applied Physics Letters, 88, 212502 (2006)

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Un disque dur de plusieurs téraoctets, Asbahi, M., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 522 (2006)

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Durcir les couches en douceur

Durcir les couches en douceur, Bollero, A., La feuille rouge du DRFMC, 524 (2006)

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Spin and silicon: A new memory type, Bsiesy, A., 6, 15 (2006)

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Magnetism in circuit design

Magnetism in circuit design, Javerliac, V., 6, 14 (2006)

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