Archives by author

Method to assess the grain crystallographic orientation with a submicronic spatial resolution using Kelvin probe force microscope, Gaillard, N., Gros-Jean, M., Mariolle, D., Bertin, F., Bsiesy, A., Applied Physics Letters, 89, 154101 (2006)

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In-situ electric field simulation in metal/insulator/metal capacitors, Gaillard, N., Pinzelli, L., Gros-Jean, M., Bsiesy, A., Applied Physics Letters, 89, 133506 (2006)

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Magnetization processes in hard Co-rich Co-Pt films with perpendicular anisotropy, Ghidini, M., Zangari, G., Prejbeanu, I.L., Pattanaik, G., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Asti, G., Pernechele, C., Solzi, M., Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 103911 (2006)

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NiMn, IrMn, and NiO exchange-coupled CoFe multilayers for microwave applications, Lamy, Y., Viala, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42, 3332 (2006)

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Micromagnetic investigation of the dynamics of magnetization switching induced by a spin-polarized current, Lee, K.J., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 88, 132506 (2006)

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Generalization of a circuit theory for current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance and current-driven torque, Manchon, A., Slonczewski, J.C., Physical Review B, 73, 184419 (2006)

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Interpretation of relationship between current-perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance and spin torque amplitude, Manchon, A., Strelkov, N., Deac, A., Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 73, 184418 (2006)

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New RF magnetic stripe inductors with flanges based on exchange-coupled magnetic films, Michel, J.-P., Lamy, Y., Royet, A.S., Viala, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42, 3368 (2006)

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Exchange-biased spin polarizer with an embedded nano-oxide layer for a substantially lower switching current density, Nguyen, H.Y.T., Yi, H.J., Joo, S.J., Shin, K.H., Lee, K.J., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 89, 094103 (2006)

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Macroscopic probing of domain configurations in interacting bilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Rodmacq, B., Baltz, V., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 73, 092405 (2006)

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