Theoretical investigation of the relationship between spin torque and magnetoresistance in spin valves and magnetic tunnel junctions (January 01st, 2007)
Theoretical investigation of the relationship between spin torque and magnetoresistance in spin valves and magnetic tunnel junctions, Manchon, A., Strelkov, N., Ryzhanova, N., Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Slonczewski, J.C., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 316, E977 (2007)
Read moreDipolar interactions in chains of ferromagnetic nanowires (January 01st, 2007)
Dipolar interactions in chains of ferromagnetic nanowires, Popa, A., U. Ebels, L.M. Giurgiu, 9, 1471 (2007)
Read moreCMOS/Magnetic hybrid architectures (January 01st, 2007)
CMOS/Magnetic hybrid architectures, Prenat, G., El Baraji, M., Guo, W., Sousa, R.C., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Dieny, B., Javerliac, V., Nozières, J.-P., Zhao, W.S., Belhaire, E., 190 (2007)
Read moreMacro-model of spin transfer torque-based magnetic tunnel junction device for hybrid magnetic-CMOS design (January 01st, 2007)
Macro-model of spin transfer torque-based magnetic tunnel junction device for hybrid magnetic-CMOS design, Zhao, W., E. Belhaire, Q. Mistral, C. Chappert, V. Javerliac, B. Dieny and E. Nicolle, 40 (2007)
Read moreCapteur de champ magnétique à faible bruit utilisant le transfert de spin latéral (January 01st, 2007)
Capteur de champ magnétique à faible bruit utilisant le transfert de spin latéral, Dieny, B. (2007)
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Capteur de champ magnétique à faible bruit, Dieny, B., Baraduc, C., Petit, S., Thirion, C. (2007)
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Support d’enregistrement magnétique, Dieny, B., Moritz, J., Rodmacq, B., 07 59324 (2007)
Read moreMémoire magnétique à jonction tunnel magnétique (January 01st, 2007)
Mémoire magnétique à jonction tunnel magnétique, Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Sousa, R.C., Redon, O., Prejbeanu, L.P. (2007)
Read moreOscillateur à couple de transfert de spin (January 01st, 2007)
Oscillateur à couple de transfert de spin, Firastrau, I., Ebels, U., Dieny, B. (2007)
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Dispositif de stockage magnétique, en particulier pour disque dur, et méthode de fabrication, Gaudin, G., P.-J. Zermatten, I.M. Miron and A. Schuhl (2007)
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