Archives by author

Experimental evidence of interface resonance states in single-crystal magnetic tunnel junctions, Zermatten, P.-J., Gaudin, G., Maris, G., Miron, I.M., Schuhl, A., Tiusan, C., Greullet, F., Hehn, M., Physical Review B, 78, 033301 (2008)

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Nano-noodle mould

Nano-noodle mould, Dieny, B., 8, 19 (2008)

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Spin transfer oscillators

Spin transfer oscillators, Houssameddine, D., 8, 16 (2008)

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Les jonctions tunnel magnétiques entrent en lut, Prenat, G., 540 (2008)

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Nanopiliers magnétiques made in PTA, Sousa, R.C., 545 (2008)

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Hot and cold magnetic memories

Hot and cold magnetic memories, Sousa, R.C., 8, 17 (2008)

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Une interface qui déboussole

Une interface qui déboussole, Zermatten, P.-J., 546 (2008)

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Magnetization reversal of nanostructured tunnel junctions from pre-patterned substrates, Bollero, A., Baltz, V., Dieny, B., Negulescu, B., Rickart, M., Freitas, P., Vogel, J., Bonfim, M., Landis, S., Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 07C108 (2008)

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Voltage dependence of spin transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions, Chshiev, M., Theodonis, I., Kalitsov, A., Kioussis, N., Butler, W.H., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44, 2543 (2008)

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Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at Co/Oxide interfaces, Dahmane, Y., Auffret, S., Ebels, U., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44, 2868 (2008)

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