Archives by author

Sizable room-temperature magnetoresistance in cobalt-based magnetic tunnel junctions with out-of-plane anisotropy, Carvello, B., Ducruet, C., Rodmacq, B., Auffret, S., Gautier, E., Gaudin, G., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 92, 102508 (2008)

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Two-dimensional dopant profiling of silicon with submicron resolution using near field optics on silicon/electrolyte contacts, Djebbouri, M., Bertin, F., Kesri, N., Bsiesy, A., 254, 2725 (2008)

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Macrospin description of the perpendicular polarizer-planar free layer spin torque oscillator, Ebels, U., Houssameddine, D., Firastrau, I., Gusakova, D., Thirion, C., Dieny, B., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Physical Review B, 78, 024436 (2008)

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Training and temperature effects of epitaxial and polycrystalline Ni, Fecioru-Morariu, M., Wrona, J., Papusoi, C., Güntherodt, G., Physical Review B, 77, 054441 (2008)

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Modelling of the perpendicular polarizer-planar free layer spin torque oscillator: Micromagnetic simulations, Firastrau, I., Gusakova, D., Houssameddine, D., Ebels, U., Cyrille, M.-C., Delaët, B., Dieny, B., Redon, O., Toussaint, J.-C., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Physical Review B, 78, 024437 (2008)

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Femtosecond spin dynamics of ferromagnetic thin films and nanodots probed by spin-polarized photoemission electron microscopy, Heitkamp, B., Kronast, F., Heyne, L., Dürr, H.A., Eberhardt, W., Landis, S., Rodmacq, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41, 164002 (2008)

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Spin transfer-induced coherent microwave emission with large power from nanoscale MgO tunnel junctions, Houssameddine, D., Florez, S.H., Katine, J.A., Michel, J.-P., Ebels, U., Mauri, D., Ozatay, O., Delaët, B., Viala, B., Folks, L., Terris, B.D., Cyrille, M.-C., Applied Physics Letters, 93, 022505 (2008)

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Spin diode based on Fe/MgO double tunnel junction, Iovan, A., Andersson, S., Naidyuk, Y.G., Vedyaev, A., Dieny, B., Korenivski, V., Nano Letters, 8, 805 (2008)

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Fast computation of magnetostatic fields by non-uniform fast Fourier transforms, Kritsikis, E., Toussaint, J.-C., Fruchart, O., Szambolics, H., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Applied Physics Letters, 93, 132508 (2008)

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Analysis of oxygen-induced anisotropy crossover in Pt/Co/MO, Manchon, A., Ducruet, C., Lombard, L., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Pizzini, S., Vogel, J., Uhlír, V., Hochstrasser, M., Panaccione, G., Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 043914 (2008)

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